
Using Power & the Taxonomic Location of Good and Evil

Warren Kinston 14. April 2012 09:00

Using Power ... Courtesy Pratanti candle in the dark

No doctrine can deliver virtue or character.  So none can ensure that using power to apply the supposedly beneficial doctrine will be safe and wise.

Character flows from our humanity, the same source as the power that we use.  It is wonderful that this humanity and this power is irrepressible.

However, our humanity is a tricky thing and using power is even trickier.  We are not  dealing with good that is unproblematic.  Humanity is built on an endless conflict between one good and something else that is also good.  Of all these conflicts in relation to using power, and there are many, perhaps the most significant is that between what is good for our humanity and what is good for our society. 

As you know: evil is choice of the lesser good, and of these two, More...


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21st Century Enlightenment | Better Self

Dimensions of Existence: Being Human and Being a Thing

Warren Kinston 31. March 2012 18:00

Dimensions of Existence

I mentioned, in a recent blog, the need to formulate the dimensions of our existence.  I want to pursue this mystery about 'being human' now.

The existence of two realities is weighing on me every day in every way.  Do you remember C.P. Snow's famous Two Cultures lecture (and later book)?  That Science v Humanities debate came and went because it was targeted at UK society of 1959: over half a century ago.  In any case, the sciences are now doing fine, in the UK and everywhere.  The PR machine has been cranked up and is doing a fantastic job. 

However, there is now a conflict as to which reality is to be scientifically investigated.  It's fundamental to understanding being human, and it is emerging as a battle for pre-eminence.  I call the two realities: Psychosocial Reality and Empirical Reality. The one you bring into being by your choices, and you have the power to alter.  The other exists independently of your choices and you only have More...


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Better Self

Freedom to Obey or Obey to Exploit Freedom. Tricky stuff.

Warren Kinston 14. March 2012 18:00

The various frameworks within the Root of the Taxonomy are naturally and easily understandable by everyone.  They reveal and release a tremendous freedom for the human spirit.  A freedom that I do hope will be seized.

freedomSo far I have posted what must be one of the simplest accounts of transcendence that exists.  All that you require, to transcend your current existence, is the mental freedom to look around at an unsatisfactory aspect and ask yourself "Does it have to be like this?"  If you answer "No", then your imagination spontaneously gets to work and you transcend by using your three inalienable transcendental capacities: to be willing, to be purposeful and to communicate (because thinking = communicating to yourself).  You have this ability even in a gulag.  No-one can take it away from you. More...


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Better Self | 21st Century Enlightenment

Make the world better? What idealist twaddle!

Warren Kinston 8. March 2012 19:00

Idealist MoonsetMost of my life I've been trying to create a better world.  Ever since I was a deluded young idealist.

All my friends grew up into intelligent successful adults.  But somewhere along the road my brain missed the turn-off to maturity.  So I'm sort of stuck.  Still trying to make the world better.  I should have joined Idealists Anonymous long ago.

To my credit, I do believe I've helped a few people along the way.  And I do know that More...


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Better Self | My Interests

Whitehead's Scientific Project for the "Art of Life"

Warren Kinston 26. February 2012 09:00

testYou notice something about life, the art of life, something that you think no-one has ever before identified.  But you are usually wrong.  It is very, very difficult to discover something new about human existence.

In the «better Self» work that is my current focus, I surprised myself by recognizing three codes that mankind has developed to provide optimum self and social control.  It was simple, but new for me at least.  One code deals with social existence and controlling our animal instincts, the next deals with living well in accord with what is right for each, and the third is More...


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Better Self | Great People

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Warren Kinston is the creator of the THEE-Online website as an open forum for the further discovery and development of THEE. He writes this blog as an escape valve for the excitement and frustrations of the work. More info here.

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