Warren Kinston
5. June 2012 10:00
Must we battle against evil? Evil certainly poses an issue: What to do about it. "Doing" is a practical question, so it can be handled by THEE.
And then there is the «problem of evil»: why a God that is absolute goodness can allow suffering and cruelty to exist. This is a philosophical question. Most of us don’t live inside a philosophical world, although judging by blogs and websites the number of amateur philosophers seems to be exploding. More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
22. April 2012 22:30
Purify the mind. Is that a strange idea for you?
Most of what I write about in THEE is common-sense knowledge. All I am doing is putting it into order and explaining how different aspects of social life need to be more finely discriminated.
I like explaining how bits of living relate to each other, especially when those relationships are misunderstood or taken for granted. However, now and then I come across something which is being ignored. Usually on a rather temporary basis but sometimes over many decades. Rarely longer.
That sort of thing happened today: with the notion that you ought to purify your mind.
I was doing some internet research on the various ways that people deal with the hurts that attend living. Any pain or suffering leads More...
Warren Kinston