Warren Kinston
4. November 2012 10:00
Can we care for each other? Perhaps not if you are a male rat.
A study published in the prestigious journal Science (334:1427-1430, 2011) revealed that rats display empathy for each other. In other words, they actively care about the suffering of a fellow rat. In the experiment, the rats not only learned how to free a trapped cage-mate but shared their chocolate with them.
If rats can display empathy, surely people can.
Perhaps expecting More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
2. March 2012 18:00
Politics is a mess. No doubt about that.
But let's put it into perspective.
The origins of politics are to be found in the early civilizations. Politics were further developed following the dark ages in Europe, but with mainly social changes. The essential feature at all times was rule by a King who was divine, or was there by divine right, and who could do no wrong.
This is crazy. So politics was psychotic. But people accepted it.
Crazy rulers like that still exist. They operate by whim and their own personal power. They are surrounded by unproductive people: always secret police and a military. In the past, there were also More...
Warren Kinston