Warren Kinston
26. April 2012 10:00

The last blog about «purifying the mind» asked if there was an alternative popular word for "purify". There is: it is "detox". But do you detox your mind or your body?
A few blogs ago I talked about the Mind v Body debate and other dialectics in developing a personal identity. I promised to tell you how mind (thesis) and body (antithesis) are synthesized.
The recent blog on purifying yourself has reminded me of that promise because to detox your mind is a different kettle of fish to detoxing your body.
Body v Mind is generated by an Identity Approach named "Emotional Being". If you combine «Body + Mind», the synthesis is «The Self». Do you agree that your Self is both your mind and your body? I hope so, because you can't have a Self without having both of these. This higher level Identity Approach is named "Individual Being". What then catalyzes More...
Warren Kinston