Warren Kinston
30. April 2012 19:00
I appreciate politics is tough. Even so, it is hard to find kind things to say about politicians in recent times. What do you make of a recent candidate for the US presidency now in court facing 30 years in jail and $1.5 Million in fines? Jack Ashley was cut from different cloth.
Lord Ashley, as he became, stood out from the pack. I realized that all would-be politicians could learn something from him when I read his obituary today. What an extraordinary person he was—probably far too good for his own good. More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
26. April 2012 10:00
The last blog about «purifying the mind» asked if there was an alternative popular word for "purify". There is: it is "detox". But do you detox your mind or your body?
A few blogs ago I talked about the Mind v Body debate and other dialectics in developing a personal identity. I promised to tell you how mind (thesis) and body (antithesis) are synthesized.
The recent blog on purifying yourself has reminded me of that promise because to detox your mind is a different kettle of fish to detoxing your body.
Body v Mind is generated by an Identity Approach named "Emotional Being". If you combine «Body + Mind», the synthesis is «The Self». Do you agree that your Self is both your mind and your body? I hope so, because you can't have a Self without having both of these. This higher level Identity Approach is named "Individual Being". What then catalyzes More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
22. April 2012 22:30
Purify the mind. Is that a strange idea for you?
Most of what I write about in THEE is common-sense knowledge. All I am doing is putting it into order and explaining how different aspects of social life need to be more finely discriminated.
I like explaining how bits of living relate to each other, especially when those relationships are misunderstood or taken for granted. However, now and then I come across something which is being ignored. Usually on a rather temporary basis but sometimes over many decades. Rarely longer.
That sort of thing happened today: with the notion that you ought to purify your mind.
I was doing some internet research on the various ways that people deal with the hurts that attend living. Any pain or suffering leads More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
18. April 2012 10:00
Frameworks for change will be posted when the cows come home. Short of a miracle or the long arm of reality change striking, it's going to take years. Changing my reality here is no joke.
As I noted in an earlier despairing blog, should I even start from here? Is the name, Change, suitable to refer to the 3rd Level in the Root Hierarchy (RL3)?
I'm pretty sure that the heart of Change, its Level 4, is stability or stabilizing. Can something that is stable be a form of change? Probably. If I called this Level Identity, then stabilizing would seem spot on. The heart of any identity is surely a stable state.
If I am asked to consult or advise regarding change, my first question is:More...
Warren Kinston
Warren Kinston
14. April 2012 09:00
No doctrine can deliver virtue or character. So none can ensure that using power to apply the supposedly beneficial doctrine will be safe and wise.
Character flows from our humanity, the same source as the power that we use. It is wonderful that this humanity and this power is irrepressible.
However, our humanity is a tricky thing and using power is even trickier. We are not dealing with good that is unproblematic. Humanity is built on an endless conflict between one good and something else that is also good. Of all these conflicts in relation to using power, and there are many, perhaps the most significant is that between what is good for our humanity and what is good for our society.
As you know: evil is choice of the lesser good, and of these two, More...
Warren Kinston