Auspices for the Methods
The Distinction
Personal stability is a concern and responsibility of each person, but it is also a natural concern of the surrounding group or community. After all, personal disruption can wreak social havoc and personal balance fosters group goals and helps meet broader social needs.
The extreme v central distinction used in the initial plotting of the methods generates two concentric circles. These reveal sets of operating under two different auspices.
- Inner circle social auspices and receive much social guidance, rulings, support and, in extremis, control. ( ) are ultimately under
- Outer circle personal auspices and may garner either social support or opposition. ( ) are ultimately under
Inner Circle: Social Auspices
The inner circle traces out
i.e. , in which self-stabilization is routinely shaped and bolstered by the relevant social environment as explained below.
- social auspices because the relevant wider society institutes conventions and expectations for feelings and how they should be handled. In many cultures, sympathetic responses like comfort, encouragement, praise, or help may be promptly provided by anyone with whom you happen to be dealing with at the time. Emotional responses that do not fall within cultural expectations lead to disapproval or rejection. occurs under
- social auspices almost by definition. Groups organize and set rules for the participation of their members. Communities determine values and needs. So projects that do not fit are blocked or suffer financially, and participation may lead to a loss of respect and status. Groups have ways to express gratitude and award honours for conformity, and ways to punish, extrude, boycott and exile dissidents. occurs under
- social auspices because self-esteem is most easily sustained when others with whom you regularly associate also value you and your work. Self-respect and self-acceptance are difficult to maintain unless they are unequivocally reflected by respect and acceptance from relevant groups. Sufficient continuous rejection can lead to suicide. occurs under
- social auspices because circles and networks are far more powerful than any single member. They evolve and sustain conventions and events which provide the desired sensory gratifications as well as the necessary personal affirmation and validation. occurs under
Outer Circle: Personal Auspices
The outer circle traces out
i.e. , in which personal effort is the basis of , regardless of social pressures. Certain distinguishing features can be noted:- These may be valued, devalued or ignored in any particular social environment. For adherents, life is much easier where they are valued.
- via these are intrinsically not readily subject to social rules or pressures.
- These are noticeably more difficult to sustain than those on the inner circle.
- Because the are more specialized and may require more determination, personalized reinforcement and guidance is often sought.

personal auspices because deep emotional understanding relates to the inner tolerance of differing perspectives and the capacity to share pains and joys. These are matters about which the social environment has no say. In case of relationship difficulties or over-involvement, discussion with a colleague or common friend who is also empathic may be useful.
occurs under - personal auspices because physical exercise, sport and health-care are naturally a matter of self-responsibility. The surrounding culture or workplace may be more or less supportive. The assistance of a professional trainer is commonly sought, even (or especially) by natural sports-persons to get educated about what is healthy, to strengthen discipline and to support motivation. occurs under
- personal auspices because faith and spiritual disciplines are intrinsically private and independent of what others do or think. The dominant religion in the wider community may support, but it usually disapproves sensing a loss of control. Because of the difficulties and uncertainties surrounding this , it is common to seek the encouragement and guidance of a spiritual master, guru or transpersonal counsellor. occurs under
- personal auspices because cultivating meaningful relationships is ultimately a private matter for the persons concerned. Wider society usually exerts pressure to follow conventions which may be antithetical in particular cases: stories of lovers overcoming family or group opposition are legion. Any relationship can run into difficulties, and advice is then commonly sought from another intimate.
- The next step is to recognize differences in the two diagonal sets.
Originally posted: 15-Oct-2014. Last updated: 19-Dec-2014.