Plotting the Methods


General properties of quadrants when axes are handling others (X) and handling mental states (Y).

Recall that the TET (Typology Essences Table) is a tool for displaying all Methods of Stabilization in a way that differentiates them and illuminates their relationships. As explained, their field of operation must be a person's social life, the totality of everyday existence, which is continuously destabilizing in a myriad minor and unavoidable ways.

The next step is to consider each method in turn and determine in broad terms:

  • how much each requires a focus on handling mental states
  • how much each requires a focus on handling others.

I will follow the same investigative style used elsewhere.
TETs for Decision-making (Principal Typology: PH'1), Ethics (Principal Typology: PH'6), Interacting for Benefit (Subsidiary Typology: PH'6QH4), Primal Quests (Root Typology: RH').

Start with Extreme Methods…

We place Vital Existence at the lower left corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place Transpersonal Existence at the upper left corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place Relational Existence at the upper right corner of the upper right quadrant.

Now for Centrally-located Methods…

We place Social Existence at the upper right corner of the lower left quadrant.

We place Individual Existence at the lower right corner of the upper left quadrant.

We place Sensory Existence at the lower left corner of the upper right quadrant.

Plot the remaining Method…

Plotting Emotional Being in terms of handling others and handling mental states.

The Emotional method (L'3) focuses on immediate recognition and evaluation of feelings. These provide the psychological basis for what is real and important. Because the method is primarily about simply containing (i.e. having or getting into) an emotional state, whatever it may be, it is low to very low on handling mental states. This places it in the lower half of the Y-axis.

Feelings present themselves as consequences of social situations or specific interactions involving others. These feelings often have to be worked out with the other or others involved—who may present an alternate view or even deny involvement altogether. So the method tend to be high to very high on handling others and located on the right half of the X-axis.

Because people can vary in how they handle the twin requirements for stabilization, the Emotional existence method forms a diffuse ellipse within the lower right quadrant: as shown in the diagram.

The extreme ends of this ellipse reveals the Emotional method in two different and easily recognizable forms: sensitivity at the upper left and empathy at the lower right.

The next step is to use the above to make a variety of comparisons, starting with:

Originally posted: 15-Sep-2014. Last updated: 16-Dec-2014.