Zones in the TET

Degrees in Handling Mental States: Y-Axis

Given the personal and social significance of handling your mental state, it is useful to divide up the Y-axis into zones to reveal a progression of intensity. This analysis also reveals similarities in otherwise very different methods

In the Vital — Emotional (empathic) zone, stabilization is based on deliberate acceptance of mental states.

In the Social — Emotional (Sensitive) zone, stabilization is based on wilful alteration of mental states.

Zones in the Personal and Task Axes that explain distinguishing features of methods of mental stabilization.

In the Individual — Sensory zone, stabilization is based on a focused search for particular mental states.

In the Transpersonal — Relational zone, stabilization is based on a determined facilitation that enables emergence of particular mental states.

Degrees in Handling Others: X-Axis

Given the personal and social significance of handling others, it is similarly useful to divide up the X-axis into zones to reveal a progression of intensity. This analysis also reveals similarities in otherwise very different methods

In the Vital — Transpersonal zone, stabilization calls for dissociation from others and minimizes interactions that can be disruptive or distracting.
Note:Closed That does not mean a physical distance, because group activities are rather common. Because the dissociation is occurring mentally, a person using these methods may often converse at length and even seemingly rather personally.

In the Social — Individual zone, stabilization calls for an association with others within suitable social surroundings in ways that ensure beneficial reciprocation.

In the Emotional-sensitive — Sensory zone, stabilization calls for engagement with others through frequent and positive interchanges.

In the Emotional-empathic — Relational zone, stabilization calls for involvement with others to enable as much closeness as is possible given the circumstances and the other's nature.

If any of these allocations are puzzling,Closed re-visit the TET-plot; and for more detail, review the Methods. Also, see an alternative zoning rationale.

Originally posted: 15-Oct-2014. Last updated: 19-Dec-2014.