Emergent Internal Duality

Terms highlighted in green are psychosocial pressures.

Renewal v Recovery

The Tree has feeling good about [willingness element]-KL4B as its core. It is assumed to deal with difficult situations where willingness is hard to sustain. The focus in willingness then relates to whether or not effort can and should be sustained so that endeavours can generate a new reality.

From this perspective, willingness seems to mediate between:

  • higher Centres, which allow for a new attempt rather than giving up or re-starting differently: i.e. renewal is the context,


  • lower Centres, which are about what is required in successful handling the present situation: i.e. recovery is the content.

Context: Renewal

The context appears to provide for the possibility of renewal of an endeavour that has failed, broken down or been blocked.

Explaining [Inquiry-element] at KL5 appears to be a basic requirement. Without solid understanding and a readiness to explain clearly what the endeavour is about, the advisability of persisting cannot be determined. Understanding and explaining depend on an abstract interaction with reality.

Emergent internal duality of renewal as context for recovery.

Respecting [Communication element] at KL7 is problematic because situations offer a myriad of communications—encouraging, discouraging, puzzling, and neutral. So there is the potential for multiple conflicting pictures of what is really going on. Somehow it is necessary to remove one's ego from perceptions. You must selflessly arrange or select what is simultaneously relevant personally and to others in the situation so as to reconcile divergent realities.

Enabling [Change element] at KL6, either by self-imposition or by requiring it, sits between the above two components and defines two required states of affairs, one personal and one situational. To handle these two changes entails organising reality, inner and outer.

Content: Recovery

The content appears to provide an approach to recovery of the damaged situation that fosters ultimate success within the endeavour-proper.

Activating [Action element] at KL1 is evidently a rather basic requirement because nothing happens unless you do something in the world as it is. Action is pure means serving conditions defined at higher levels. Performance places a focus on ensuring an actual interaction with reality.

Promoting [Purpose element] at KL3 defines what is important for others or the environment and what is significant for you. This is about acceptability. Because you put in the extra effort, you need to insist on a return. At the same time, others will not respond unless their interests and values are supported. As you proceed, these divergent realities must be reconciled.

Relying on [Experience element] at KL2 sits between the above two components and also provides the hub around which any endeavour pivots in practice. While actively using your inner experiences in tricky situations is never easy, they are the source of certainty. Organising your reality is required.


Both KL1 and KL5 provide for interaction with reality.

For KL5, the interaction is abstracted or dissociated. (2 Centres)
For KL1, the interaction is practical-physical. (1 Centre)

Both KL2 and KL6 demand organising reality.

For KL6, organising positions your self in your situation. (2 Centres)
For KL2, organising handles self & situation during engagement. (1 Centre)

Both KL3 and KL7 must reconcile divergent realities.

For KL5, reconciliation is about a profusion of possible constructions. (2 Centres)
For KL3, reconciliation deals with differing values-perceptions of self and others. (2 Centres)

KL4 mediates evolution of reality. (1 Centre).
(By convention it is placed with the Content.)

  • Next step:  Formulate emergent channels in the Re-ordered Root Level Tree.

    Note: In retrospect, this next webpage was not a particularly helpful step in my investigations. I leave it for historical reasons. It also serves as a reference to present the channel map generally apart from any particular instance.

  • Compare the Re-ordered Root Level Tree with the Root Hierarchy Tree.

Last amended: 1-Mar-2014. Updated 15-Jan-2015.