Refusing to Give Up
Introduction: This Root Tree emerges frommake your project succeed.
and contains all the elements. It comes into play when there are severe practical impediments in a project, often with disbelief or opposition by others. This leads to doubt about whether you canEmergence from PH1-Action
posted frameworks. Achievement is difficult for a myriad of reasons, and all projects have set-backs and unexpected difficulties. Most require some revision and adaptation to get around obstacles. Many of your projects will succeed; but some fail, even important ones that become intensely involving and personally significant.
- contains the principles governing effective decision-making and achievement—seeIt is then often sensible to give up and try something else: especially when everyone around is critical and confirms your doubts about the chances of success.
However, there are times when you believe the project can and should succeed, even though others do not recognize its value and/or are sceptical about implementation. You are then alone and the odds are against you.
The only hope for making the project succeed against all the odds is to refuse to give up and operate in a way revealed by the framework comprised solely of PH-L2 elements which offer certainty (as explained below).
With this certainty, you can and must take on the role of project leader.
Examples: Leaders
More on Life's Necessity: Producing Achievements.
Why Use a Framework of all PH-L2s
It is hard to maintain confidence when a project is not making headway and everyone is critical, doubtful, and abandoning it. Without an inner certainty, you will hesitate, your enthusiasm will fluctuate, drive will be lacking, commitment will fail, others will not follow—and then you will certainly never succeed.
Investigations into the Root Projection to Primary Hierarchies suggest that PH-L2 elements (within their ) are constructed under a psychosocial pressure for certainty (probably with a distinct neurophysiological underpinning).
The Tree framework constituted solely out of PH-L2 elements can therefore be expected to be dedicated to the provision of certainty. Being a Root Tree, each level will also retain its usual psychosocial pressures.
Note: The process here assumes that you possess or can access or discover necessary relevant knowledge and can willingly apply genuine know-how i.e. there is a strong link to
This list is taken directly from analysis of the Root Projection.
- is about inquiring to get certainty about what should be done in a situation, and serves to control what actions are taken or provide confidence that they have been taken.
- is about using inquiry to get certainty in regard to a shared understanding of essentials. It helps control how inquiries are performed and how findings are communicated. (Certainty and confidence are also issues for higher inquiry functions because it is an intrinsic concern of .)
- is about using inquiry to get certainty about the essential details what is required in a situation, in order to control what happens or at least what should happen.
- requires control over the flow of inner experience. It involves inquiring as to what specific features should be visualized so as to become certain about the image being held in the mind.
- is about using inquiry to determine what stimuli provide certainty that a specific message can be constructed, sent and received correctly.
- is about using inquiry to get certainty on what counts as a suitable outcome; and then getting control of activities by requiring reference to it.
- is about using inquiry to increase certainty in your beliefs. Readiness to expose and explore your beliefs gives you better control of your thinking and activities, and others get more certainty in their dealings with you.
Renewal & Recovery
Summary Only: This is an abbreviated overview of the Tree with a focus on the the next topic. Understanding the various elements is assumed. For more details within the Architecture Room, review the relevant part of the Root Projection section.
. A fuller account is provided in
The heart of the framework and the source of your project's eventual success lies in
. But this requires , because others need to share in those beliefs to ensure success. It is almost a truism that you must in yourself, in your project, in your ideas, and in what should be done. But this comes to the fore if you want to succeed with a tough project that has gone wrong or lost support. However, unless you feel good about it, will not take you far. To ensure your are grounded and useful, they need feeds from other Centres.Feeding into Centres that enable renewal of the endeavour-proper.
from above are the 5Once you realize that there is a breakdown, you have to take things in hand: the project, yourself, and the situation. This involves paying much closer and totally dispassionate attention to challenges to your .
, those unambiguous messages that may come from anywhere. These commonly serve asfocus the usually uncomfortable, that you impose on . These show and ensure that you become committed. also release you to require that will get you support.
, favorable or undesired, should lead to your making regardless of what others think. shouldWhat usually does not change are the realistic. Given the past severe difficulties or failure, you must also to ensure your beliefs can get acceptance.
of the project, but you must them well to all concerned. You must also investigate so that your beliefs areFeeding into Centres that enable recovery of the project.
from below are the 3The encouragment for you and others to ; while the outcomes you help your views become credible.
(i.e. ) that you provide the extraRelying on vision. So you, too, must visualize many aspects of the project and the essential roles that you and others will play in it. These energize your and foster pursuit of the endeavour-proper.
of how things will go and the likely benefits gives the project an inner vitality. Leaders in turnarounds invariably develop a powerfulBypassing Renewal with Recovery are two levels essential for the success of any project: and . The channels between these provide validation and justification for your efforts.
to connectFinal Common Path: Tangible progress is the ultimate source of certainty. Action must be simultaneously part of endeavours-proper in order to ground the whole process. If you activate confirms the being used, and indirectly your .
, you should be able to produce pre-determined results in a way that- Examine all PH-L2 Centres and mutual influences systematically in more detail.
See how the framework may be used and misused.
- Continue to Bypassing Others' Resistances: the Tree of PH-L3 elements from that helps you establish your ideas as sound.
Initially posted: 20-Sep-2014. Last amended: 22-Jan-2015.