Survival & Evolution
Origin of the Taxonomy
The significance of evolution cannot be ignored. Any property or function that we have as human beings must exist because it was and perhaps still is required for our survival. It may well be that what exists had a different function in a less evolved creature, but it must have been present in some form.
Step 1: Biology
We have emerged as part of biological evolution. We can therefore start our analysis of the origins of THEE as follows:
Evolutionary Driver |
All living creatures must actively handle their environment in order to survive. Each comes to adapt to a specific niche in accord with the competitive exclusion principle. Human beings are no different in principle, but we are vastly different in our capacity to adapt and, especially, to master environmental challenges.
It is conjectured that humans use
(via ) as their distinctive competitive advantage. It is therefore necessary to identify what drives any endeavour.Step 2: Evolutionary Function
Based on taxonomic findings, it is proposed that humans have developed a set of objectively-recognizable psycho-social states and goals—called here Primal Needs—which were and are crucial to endeavour success.
The development and persistence of these Primal Needs must have neuro-biological foundations, whose origins should be traceable back through lesser mammals, and in some aspects to birds and reptiles, and possibly even to invertebrates.
However, the first step is to identify the Primal Needs from observation and experiment, and to propose the evolutionary function of each Primal Need
in simple terms:
Evolutionary Driver |
Primal Needs |
Evolutionary Function | |||
Competence | Provides the potential to properly handle matters for oneself and others. | ||||
Governance | Handles power, your own and others, in pursuit of goals of all sorts. | ||||
SURVIVAL in the Human Condition |
Association | Enables spontaneous mutual aid and cooperation in living and in ventures. | |||
Individuality | Ensures use of self, others, situations & things in a personally appropriate way. | ||||
Fitness | Drives adjustment to suit situations and win acceptance by others. | ||||
Knowledge | Permits effective responses to challenging or fear-engendering situations. | ||||
Achievement | Produces timely relevant alterations in actual situations. |
Step 3: The Human Condition
Evolution is intrinsically competitive, and this seems to apply to humanity. Those who achieve more, know more, associate better with others &c are likely to win out in their own terms. In evolution, «more» or «better» are not meant quantitatively, but rather in relation to the fit with a socio-physical environment.
For millennia, winning meant fighting over resources. Inequality amongst people was therefore a concern:
- Achievement & Knowledge cause inequality.
- Fitness & Individuality sustain inequality.
- Association & Governance manage inequality.
- Competence transcends inequality in diverse social dimensions
(because it is task-focused).
Investigation has revealed details of the taxonomic control mechanisms in endeavours lying within Level-6 of the Primary Hierarchies. The most important control is the Primal Means for meeting the Primal Need. These Means are ever-present in a simple spontaneous way, but they can be developed and strengthened by effort until they become sophisticated and powerful.
Evolutionary Driver |
Primal Need |
Primal Means | |||
Competence | is enabled and controlled by | Effectiveness | |||
Governance | is enabled and controlled by | Politics | |||
SURVIVAL in the Human Condition |
Association | is enabled and controlled by | A Shared Reality | ||
Individuality | is enabled and controlled by | A Sense of Self | |||
Fitness | is enabled and controlled by | Clarity | |||
Knowledge | is enabled and controlled by | Conjecture | |||
Achievement | is enabled and controlled by | Management |
Step 4: Hierarchy
The ordering of the Primal Needs in the above tables accords with what is known from taxonomic studies. However, if it were not known, various perspectives broadly support the proposed hierarchy. For example, there is a move from impersonal, through personal to social, and finally a combination of all three called 'universal'.
Evolutionary Driver |
Primal Need |
Primary Environment | Primal Means | ||
Competence | Universal | Effectiveness | |||
Governance | Social | Politics | |||
SURVIVAL in the Human Condition |
Association | A Shared Reality | |||
Individuality | Personal | A Sense of Self | |||
Fitness | Clarity | ||||
Knowledge | Impersonal | Conjecture | |||
Achievement | Management |
Simple inspection suggests cyclicity:
Cyclic pattern on closer inspection:
Note: No reference to THEE exists at this point.
Step 5: Basis in the Brain
To enable this universally present complex hierarchical structure that supports complicated endeavours, it is conjectured that humankind must possess a brain that has evolved to support what might be termed «advanced instincts». It is presumed that these will be derived from affective neural systems that control whole animal functioning. Such systems are known to originate in the midbrain.
differs for every member of a species. While many details of the neural systems may be speculative, it is a reasonable conjecture that affective neural systems in human beings lead to inner drives called here by our experience of them: psychosocial pressures.
Psychosocial pressures are the remorseless biological underpinning activators and sustainers of Primal Needs.
Evolutionary Driver |
Primal Need |
Pursued via a Primal Means: |
Based on a Pressure for: |
Competence | Effectiveness | Selflessness | |||||
Governance | Politics | Autonomy | |||||
SURVIVAL in the Human Condition |
Association | A Shared Reality | Understanding | ||||
Individuality | A Sense of Self | Well-being | |||||
Fitness | Clarity | Acceptability | |||||
Knowledge | Conjecture | Certainty | |||||
Achievement | Management | Performance |
While the Primal Needs are fundamental for species and personal survival, the Primal Means emerge within SURVIVAL and ENDEAVOURS can be understood as follows:
. So the relation betweenEvolutionary Driver | Primal Need | Primal Means | Evolutionary
Tool |
Competence | Effectiveness | |||||||||
Governance | Politics | |||||||||
Association | A Shared Reality | |||||||||
SURVIVAL | Individuality | A Sense of Self | ||||||||
Fitness | Clarity | |||||||||
Knowledge | Conjecture | |||||||||
Achievement | Management |
Here is the same Table including the psychosocial pressures:
Evolutionary Driver | Primal Needs | Primal Means | Evolutionary Tool | |||||||
Competence | Effectiveness driven by selflessness | |||||||||
Governance | Politics
driven by autonomy |
Association | A Shared Reality
driven by understanding |
SURVIVAL | Individuality | A Sense of Self
driven by well‑being |
Fitness | Clarity driven by acceptability |
Knowledge | Conjecture
driven by certainty |
Achievement | Management driven by performance |
Step 6: The Need for Taxonomic Analysis
that ensure the human condition have become rather complicated. Our survival ceased to simply be about kill or be killed, find a cave or die of exposure. It entailed dealing with social factors as well as physical factors, dealing with groups upon which we depend as well as handling oneself with its inner states.To handle the social world well, a scientific approach is likely to be beneficial. It is the only way to test the conjectures so that knowledge will ensure achievement. However, any scientific investigation is affected by the used to identity relevant entities for study.
When those in positions of power within society seek to exploit inequalities for their own ends, and do not want this to be easily noticed, then the light of science will be suppressed.

While physical reality has not changed much, its handling has become dramatically eased by modern science and engineering. So achievement here is phenomenal.
Social life on the other hand has become more complex while scientific inroads have been minimal. This is because while the world does not answer back or have a will of its own (except to reveal mistakes), people do. If a discovery is unacceptable for cultural reasons, or interferes with well-being, then it will not make much headway.
As a result, humanity has felt its way forward often through seemingly unnecessary horrors. While there has been progress, it has not been scientific in nature.
Initially the group that needed to be sustained was the family or small band, much later it became large communities, industrial societies, nations, and formal organizations. Development has been haphazard and shaped by tradition and accident.
Most positive developments can be attributed to an uncontrolled unplanned increase in self-awareness and the ethical sense. Where pure reason has been applied, results have often been dismal (e.g. early AI), stupid (e.g. modern economics), or horrendous (e.g. French Revolution's Reign of Terror).
Social science, as currently practised, is fragmented and disconnected from human creative functioning. It seeks findings that are independent of the exercise of autonomy, responsibility and awareness.
Analysis of
in the present taxonomic study suggests that all are dependent on which manifests as a hierarchical structure ( ).Human Response | Functional Hierarchy |
Human Potential | ||||
RL7: Willingness | ||||||
RL6: Purpose | ||||||
RL5: Communication | WILL | |||||
ENDEAVOUR | RL4: Experience | |||||
RL3: Change | ||||||
RL2: Inquiry | ||||||
RL1: Action |
Here is a fuller picture:
Evolutionary Driver | Primal Need |
Evolutionary Tool | Primal Means | Root Hierarchy |
Competence | Effectiveness driven by selflessness | RL7: Willingness | |||||||||||||
Governance | Politics
driven by autonomy |
RL6: Purpose | |||||||||||||
Association | A Shared Reality
driven by understanding |
RL5: Communic'n | |||||||||||||
SURVIVAL | Individuality | A Sense of Self
driven by well-being |
RL4: Experience | ||||||||||||
Fitness | Clarity
driven by acceptability |
RL3: Change | |||||||||||||
Knowledge | Conjecture
driven by certainty |
RL2: Inquiry | |||||||||||||
Achievement | Management driven by performance | RL1: Action |
Step 7: Returning to the Taxonomy
We have now come full circle:
WILL | → | Root Hierarchy | → | Primary Hierarchy | → | Optimizing Methods via PH•L6 | → | Principal Typologies | → | Primal Means via Spirals | Primal Need |
Endeavour condition | Element of endeavour | Teachable expertise | For maximum feasible outcome. | Survival condition | |||||||
Psychosocial Pressures |
1 for each | 1 for each | 1 for Each | Autonomybecause PH•L6 | 1 for each | If pressures are met. |
The discovery of the Root Hierarchy.
generate the elements identified in the taxonomy whose structure in regard to the and its exists in order to provide the Primal Means identified above. That Spiral contains the strange two Cycle pattern which integrates Root Levels and led to- Back to the Review.
Initially posted: 30-Nov-2013; Amended: 3-Jun-2015. Last updated: 9-Jan2023.