TET from Q Arena Pairings
The TET Layout
I will assume the standard pattern of two concentric circles of entities with extreme vs central locations on the graph. The inner circle would then have Arenas that are more tangible and capable of management or subject to social control, while the outer circle would contain Arenas that are more abstract or complex and a matter for personal assertion.

With this approach, we can immediately plot
which, being singular, must be in the lower right quadrant and should spread as an ellipse from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. In the case of , the upper left might refer to , while the lower right might be . See diagram.Applying the concentric criteria to the identified pairs:
- In the Q4-Institutions are not. pair, would be central as it is amenable to management while
- In the pair, , being constructed around management needs, would be central.
- In the Q5-Schools are more personally driven and independent. pair, would be central as the work is pursued within universities, and depends on funding from external sources, while
The next task is to assign these three pairs to the remaining 3 quadrants. We currently lack a knowledge of the axes. However, before speculating how these might be labelled, there is another helpful principle that should apply: diagonally opposite quadrants are antagonistic or oppositional.
It is noticeable that
often contain and engender : so no opposition to those pairs.By contrast, Q7-Spiritual traditions often come in conflict with especially religion, where hostility may be open. Other institutions, like government, education and the economy, are highly practical and also suspicious or rejecting of the spiritual dimension. , with their practical duties and social embeddedness, are also typically opposed to the .

As confirmation, we can consider the two remaining pairs:
and . It is a common observation that managers are dismissive of academics and that academics look down on managers and businessmen. So that suggests they are diagonal opposites: one set being concerned with knowledge, and the other set being concerned with activities.These arguments, taken together, strongly suggest that should be located in the upper left quadrant with more central and at the upper left extreme: as shown.
While we have established that
and belong in the two empty quadrants, it is not immediately apparent which goes where. To make this allocation, we need to name the axes.Naming the Axes
The axes define the psychosocial field or context within which the plotted Arenas operate. In the case of the
, this could be stated as:People in a society work in associations on the basis of a shared reality seeking to sustain and develop that associating and the societal context that supports the association.
The X-axis could be about degree of focus on establishing a truer reality to be shared.

In the Arenas plotted, the axis moves from exoteric common acceptance of reality to specialized and esoteric efforts to penetrate reality.
claim to be the doorway to the ultimate Absolute Realty, more so than though they too regard the reality of the sacred to be truer than mundane perceptions.
create a reality for themselves but do not focus or attempt to spread that reality to outsiders. This reality is easier to grasp than that defined by .
are particular to a specific society with its culture and customs that are given and potentially known to all.The Y-axis could be about progressive concern for the development of society.
In the Arenas plotted, work in the
has a low focus on society, especially minimum for mystics but more for group rituals.are the foundation of society and work here contributes to social development. Finally work to evolve is specifically and maximally about developing society.
The Second Diagonal
The final step is to assign
and to the remaining two empty quadrants.Assuming for the moment that the above axes are correct, then we can try both possibilities as shown below and see which best fits the Axes.
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Version A fits the X-axis as Establishment of a Truer Reality rather well. Details
Version A fits the Y-Axis as Development of Society quite well.Details

Typically, the X-axis is the social/objective output, and the Y-axis the psychological/subjective input. But that is when we are dealing with personal functioning. Here our focus is on group functioning. So it seems reasonable to propose that the Arenas' output is a version of reality to be shared by the relevant group in the Arena, while the input is development of society, which is the context for all group functioning.
Further Analyses

We created something that closely resembles a TET by drawing on the usual quadrant analyses e.g. central-peripheral placing, and diagonal antagonisms.
The TET was established through the assuming and confirming that a concentric pattern existed.
It seems that the inner circle Arenas contain associations whose work grounds the society. This includes families, religions, social bodies of all sorts and academic disciplines. While the outer circle Arenas contain associations whose work evolves the society: this includes artistic events, societal institutions and philosophy schools. Spiritual traditions both ground a society and provide support for its positive evolution.
The green arrows in the diagram at right show the intra-quadrant pairings that were explained in the previous topic.
A Spiral? A Tree?
The usual analysis of a TET includes identifying a Spiral of Growth and taking the essences from the Spiral to create a Tree. However, we are not dealing with a TET that relates to personal functioning with methods and their values. So there is no reason to expect a developmental spiral amongst Arenas. Simple inspection suggests that this would be most unlikely: why would values in Q6-Spiritual Traditions lead to ? and why would these lead to ? Perhaps further studies will reveal something that is not immediately obvious.
Given the importance of pairing relationships for PH'5Q Associating Arenas, something similar would be expected in all other Arenas.
Now proceed to consider pairing in the other Domains
- Start with PH'2Q Arenas for Knowing
- Check for a "Spiral-type" Tree structure
Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022