Patterns of Qs : A Tree?
The 7 level Principal Typology contains incompatible entities and so cannot generate a Tree. However, the Spiral of Growth was discovered by moving from the content-method perspective of Types to a context-values perspective of Modes. Modes are compatible and their essences do form a Tree which operative at all stages of development in the Spiral. This Spiral-Tree turned out to map the factors determining how well the Domain’s Primal Need is met.

Each Q-Arena overlaps two Types and therefore each has an overlap with the Arena below and the Arena above. These overlaps are evident if you mouseover the thumbnail diagram of the at right.
This overlap is not just theoretical but shows itself overtly in psychosocial reality as least within these
:Those working at high levels in , often work at low levels in . Those working in high levels in often contribute to , while top managers from usually do not.
So there is no strong incompatibility at play amongst Arenas. Also, simple inspection and observation suggests that the various Q-Arenas within a Domain would interact and exert mutual influence in some fashion to a greater or lesser extent.
Explore the Most Obvious Tree: PH'5QK
The Levels of a Tree with no re-ordering.
would view each of the asThe primary psychosocial pressure of each would then align directly with the psychosocial pressure inherent in Levels within the Tree structure.
Dynamic Duality
If it were possible to find a dynamic social-personal duality in then a Tree could be constructed. Simple inspection suggests that such a dynamic duality does exist:

science v humanities duality with sciences being social-systematic and humanities being personal-idiosyncratic.
show theduality amongst doctrines between those that are socio-economic and those that are about personal growth.
show aduality into organized religions with their dogmas and rituals, and pure spiritualities with their inner meditational requirements.
show aFurthermore, there is no such obvious duality available for
Using these assumptions suggests the Tree pattern shown at right. This appears to provide a picture with societal significance: but what to name it?
Simple Observations
The Tree confirms the widespread intuition and conventional wisdom that the foundation of a society rests in the
. At the heart of society is its : they are what makes citizens proud of their society and what either creates or attracts migrants and refugees.The spirit of society is revealed by its
and the handling of the dimension in personal and social life. Poorly understood govern the operation of and , and through them impact on .The polarization at of is speculative but possibly fits with their interaction with the two forms of and the required mediation by . The polarization at into that permitted by the and those adopted by is well-recognized.
As a result, we can identify an internal duality:
- the Centres and Channels in the section use associating to sustain society with the actualization pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures.
- the Centres and Channels in the L5-L7 Context section use associating to develop society with the transcendence pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures.
The Q-work performed in organised as a , can be provisionally named:
- A deeper look illuminates other relationships amongst the Arenas, and even suggests another possibility for a Tree: check it out here.
- Alternatively, proceed to see this pattern applied in other Domains, starting with .
Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022