Society : Government : State
Focus on the State
In regard to politics, there are several territory-related political notions that have been explicitly distinguished in the Taxonomy: community, society, nation, government, state.
Most focus has been on society and government. Government and politics in political territories, especially in relation to culture, is examined in a later section.
The most serious confusion involves
: for many, it is equivalent to ; for State apologists or apparatchiks, it is equivalent to .So far, context for politics and dependent on violence. This is because the State regards itself as above politics: it operates with secrecy and regularly violates society's values and laws. It's overt manifestations are to be found in the regimes and ideologies associated with governing. It is most noticeable as the guarantor of sovereignty.
has been given little attention, apart from explaining it as theThe functioning that leads to the existence of a historical studies indicate an overlap. The present Topic serves as an introduction to a conjecture about how relates to maturation of the State.
is based primarily in the of a Society; while is about preservation of the ). However, recentThe Society
refers to a form of association based on territory. That means its members willingly sharing a particular reality. That reality is expressed in terms of values and referred to as culture.
Society flourishes in so far as its members work hard, live shared values, and achieve their goals in a socially acceptable way. It naturally values peace and generally enables peaceful coexistence.
Society is made up of numerous territorial communities and networks of diverse groups. Territorially, it can be regarded as a community of communities. For political management, it is usually necessary to identify tiers of territorial communities.
A nation is a society with a single culture. However, most societies are no longer homogenous, and most so-called are multi-national with all the problems of accommodating minorities.More
The nature of values and the diversity of groups within a society means there will be many differences within society in regard to what its needs are and how they are best satisfied.
The Government
As explained, is a special organization created to meet the needs of a society, especially where the individual member acting alone or in concert has insufficient capability or legitimacy to proceed.
These needs relate to both the internal workings of society (e.g. emergency services, justice system) where the focus is on the individual member, and the well-being and survival of the society as a whole, where the focus is on the community and socially-shared needs (e.g. for infrastructure, for control of epidemics).
is inherently a single institution that is continuous, depersonalized and differentiated. It is the machinery by which both Society and the State are supported. Insofar as it exists to serve society (i.e. to achieve things), it is constituted by values and goals that require to be politically debated and accepted by the most powerful groups in society.
Government is in effect a number of agencies doing useful work, as well as the legislature that devises useful laws related to society's values. To finance this work, the Government is given the power to raise taxes by compulsion.
The State
stable embodiment of the unity inherent in a Society and its Government. To ensure stability, is a violence-based institution that is required to be:
outward-looking: towards actual or threatened violence from other States, for legitimation by other States; and to manipulate other States for its own Society's benefit;
inward-looking: so as to ensure that all in Society are sufficiently supportive of the State, and the Government is under its control.
is defined by its:
- strategy i.e. how to use its brute power (typically in war but also internally)
- legitimacy i.e. how its activities are justified (by society and by other states)
- history i.e. how it is believed to have come into existence and to be proceeding.
ensures the existence of by providing:
- a Leader: Head of State (but not the figure-head)
- an unaccountable bureaucracy (e.g. diplomatic service)
- a war machine: military and para-military services (e.g. intelligence)
- a propaganda machine (e.g. to provide history and bolster legitimacy).
is always empowered (or empowers itself) to take full control in an emergency and suspend the rule of law. Government then becomes wholly subservient and societal-political processes are repressed by threats and violence if need be. Leadership varies: the government may use its leader or appoint a dictator; but, if government is in disarray, the military is often the most motivated and best organised to lead.
Bourne went on to say: represents all the autocratic, arbitrary, coercive, belligerent forces within a social group.
is never more itself than when it is at war because "war is the health of the State." In a real sense, it is eternally at war. AsThree Current Characteristics:
■ Demands for unity in Society and unwavering support for based on its sanctified mission to defend the moral order.Details
■ Amorality rules because is about power and the pragmatic imperative. It serves elites who get both social success and personal gratification from wielding power. Details
■ Secrecy is demanded and enforced ruthlessly.Details
may change as regimes and ideologies evolve in response to crises like:
- discontinuity in military technology e.g. invention of gunpowder, nuclear bombs
- other strategic innovations e.g. in intelligence gathering.
- functioning of other states that enhance their power e.g. economic organization
altered citizen expectations e.g. due to migrations, religious developments
Civil war is a direct attack on because it may lead to partition or secession. By contrast, revolution is an attack on because, if successful, only the regime or elites enjoying power change, while remains.
Societal (i.e. political) control of the State is difficult if not impossible. The State will simply pick off any and all leaders, typically by foul means including mobilizing sentiment against associates and organisations involved.

for meet the Primal Need for , using as the Primal Means, all under a pressure forthe ability to determine its own fate and future without external interference. , in turn, assumes or envisages the unity of a society ( ) is maintained .
regards itself as the primary instrument for establishing society's requirement for i.e.While, by and large, politics and government take unity and sovereignty for granted,
never does: it commonly claims that it alone possesses sovereignty, either inherently or by irreversible delegation, and must defend it.The relevant THEE frameworks for flow from the : the . Social stability is taken to depend on which are fundamentally dependent on the government's monopoly on legitimate violence.
The triplet emerging from society-based ethical controls (as distinct from humanity-based ethical controls). The originating Tree, the ethical vehicle, is . The structural hierarchy reveals ethical effects: its components ensure citizens The final Tree is —which is the preoccupation of
is the license that uses to justify any activity that may be called into question.The Trees have been posted (but not published) in Taxonomy Notes section. Note: is Ch.8 and is Ch.9 in Working with Values. Download here.
- See how the State has evolved in the West.
Originally posted: 9-Jun-2015. Last updated: 10-Jan-2024.