Is Another Sequence Possible?
There Is No Alternative!
Proposition: There are, in principle, no alternative sequences.
It seems rather obvious that
( ), ( ) and ( ) are the Triad of communal institutions on which a society must initially build its politics. Each stage provides more control over the ever-present lust for power rampant in and ever-present.Or Is There?
We can and should check the order by imaginatively trying out alternatives, step by step, and seeing what emerges.

It is not possible for political development to start anywhere except where the brute reality of power in society lies: elite powerful groups.
The explanation is circular: The groups are elite (i.e. privileged, high status) because they have power, and they are powerful because they are elites.
In short: political life must start from the
organized by existing privileged and powerful groups. Political power may appear through chance, cultural demands, or use of brute force by an ambitious leader.Political history exists of course. Powerful personalities come and go, doing good or evil. However, «in the beginning» no-one can imagine political power operating in any other way than via the existing elite groups and their leaders who dominate via the exercise of some sort of power.

Some authoritarian governments try to develop society. But their aim is primarily to manage and strengthen society as a whole—not to develop political sensibilities and responsibilities within the populace—at least not any faster than they are forced to by mass movements.
Powerful elites can engage in business (e.g. the PLA in China), and they can attempt to deal with social problems more or less scientifically.
Nevertheless, only means by which the populace can be genuinely engaged in politics.
values and institutions, loosely referred to as «democracy» or «human rights», remain theWithout
, with meaningful property rights and enforcement of contracts, enterprise is just too risky for most people. Elites (politicians or their gangster friends) will simply confiscate the wealth. This was evident at the turn of the 21st century in Russia.In centuries past, Chinese political leaders viewed businessmen with distrust, took their money, and drove them out of the country.
So the first step in political maturation must be to the
Much of the promise of achieving a
cannot be realized without wealth. Services to reduce injustices and improve opportunities are too expensive to develop for the population as a whole.It is just a fact of life that tackling everyday social problems like illness, education, or unfortunate accidents costs a lot of money. It is irrelevant whether the public or private sector dominates, because only individuals create wealth. Governments have to extract it from individuals somehow.
For a government unable to build wealth through plunder or massive foreign aid, there is a pragmatic need to enable domestic prosperity. Prosperity demands
.From a political perspective, most people are not happy living in poverty or prevented from bettering themselves.
socialism commonly depend on their natural resources, soft loans and foreign aid. Such countries in the past tried to limit travel and communications to keep the population ignorant and content. This is now harder with globalization.
states which embraceSo the second step in political maturation must be to the
There is no appetite and little money for
political principles without prosperity and a degree of personal freedom.As explained earlier (see tragedy of the commons), serious and damaging side-effects to the environment are inevitably generated if industrialization and free enterprise are allowed.
Handling man-made disasters effectively demands
and institutions.So the third transition, coming as soon as possible following the
, needs to be to the .
Cycle-1 modes deal with progressive sophistication in the choice of values and purposes, while Cycle-2 modes deal with a progressive willingness to be responsible for government. So the mixing of these modes is unlikely.
- principles resist change and require a positive willingness by most people to accept a shared responsibility for society—that's asking too much in Cycle-1.
- principles, being idealistic and self-centred, require an effective socio-political infrastructure and widespread awareness that people must be politically responsible before they can be applied; and
- The mode is a focus of hope during Cycle-1, probably because it is the natural end-point of the maturational process. However, its demand for the responsible handling of power by the people en masse needs much preparation of the ground.
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 11-Apr-2014.