More on Reality
This Root Hierarchy Tree framework has an internal duality defined as Transcendence v Actualization. All such dualities show a specific pattern which appears to apply here as well.
The upper three levels, RL7-RL5, function as a context for the lower four levels, RL4-RL1, which are the content. In addition, there is a correspondence in that:
■ RL1 is similar to RL5
■ RL2 is similar to RL6
■ RL3 is similar to RL7
RL4, the highest level of content, serves as a mediator. Note that the RL4B Centre is directly linked to all other Centres except RL1B.
This pattern was explained earlier.
Since completing this framework, more details about how reality is constructed have been clarified. There has been a special investigation into handling matters following a breakdown, collapse or severe failure in various aspects of human life. The option to reject that reality and triumph despite it led to the development of 7 emergent frameworks which can be found in the Architecture Room.
In developing those emergent frameworks, the
levels were re-ordered and an internal duality developed. Although that duality does not apply to endeavour-proper, on inspection, its inner components do appear to apply.The pattern is shown below without further explanation for the moment.

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Originally posted: 7-Sep-2013