Pressures & Labeling Emergent Centres

Significance of Psychosocial Pressures

A class of «emergent frameworks» (as distinct from taxonomic frameworks) was identified in relation to the forced reversal of oscillating dualities in Primary Hierarchies.

Additional classes may be discovered in due course. If, like the first class, they are inherently dynamic, then they will all present as Trees.

Those emergent frameworks required classification. Because each Tree contained one or two elements from each level of the Root Hierarchy, they are referred to as «emergent root hierarchies».

Here is an example taken from that section:

PH2 Original
PH2 Tree
New Element Emergent
RH Tree
on Reversal
L7 Blank version of a primary hierarchy tree. L4 in PH5 Formula version of the Root Hierarchy Tree. RL5-Communication
L6 L4 in PH3 RL3-Change
L5 L4 in PH2 RL2-Inquiry
L4 L4 in PH7 RL7-Willingness
L3 L4 in PH6 RL6-Purpose
L2 L4 in PH4 RL4-Experience
L1 L4 in PH1 RL1-Action

However, the new elements need to be identified by their Root Level, and so the abpve emergent RH Tree (K) graphic is misleading. It should show that:

K-L7B = RL5B element,
K-L6S = RL3S element, K-L6Y = RL3Y element
and so on

See the improved diagram below showing the effect of forced reversal in PH2-Inquiry).

RH Standard
RH Tree
New Element on Forced Reversal Emergent
RH Tree
L7 L4 in PH5, so in
Formula version of the Root Hierarchy Tree. K-L7
L6 L4 in PH3, so in
L5 L4 in PH2, so in
L4 L4 in PH7, so in
L3 L4 in PH6, so in
L2 L4 in PH4, so in
L1 L4 in PH1, so in

It can be conjectured that the Tree levels in the Emergent Hierarchies would have the identical psychosocial pressure properties to those in the Root Hierarchy. This is shown in the next table.

RL Standard
RH Tree
Standard Psychosocial Pressure Emergent
RH Tree
Psychosocial Pressure
7 Selflessness via PH7-Willingness
Formula version of the Root Hierarchy Tree. Selflessness via
PH5-Communication element
6 Autonomy via
Autonomy via
5 Understanding via RL5-Communication Understanding via
RL2-Inquiry element
4 Well-being via
Well-being via
RL7-Willingness element
3 Acceptability via
Acceptability via
RL6-Purpose element
2 Certainty via
Certainty via
RL4-Experience element
1 Performance via
Performance via
RL1-Action element

Test of the Conjecture

Inspecting the frameworks developed in the relevant section suggests that this conjecture is correct. Several of the Centres formulated without the benefit of the present investigation fits reasonably:

  • L3 Centres are labeled "promote [the purpose element]" and for effective promotion the purposes must be selected to be acceptable whether it relates to yourself (L3Y) or to others (L3S). If it is not, then the divergent realities cannot be reconciled.
  • L5 Centres are labeled "explain [the inquiry element]" and the psychosocial pressure is understanding. It is evident that proper understanding is required for any persuasive explanation.
  • L6 Centres are labeled "enable [the change element]" and you cannot enable anything properly without autonomy in relation to your self (L6Y) or in the situation (L6S).

One was less obvious but now appears straightforward:

  • L1 Centre is labeled "activate [the action element]" and the phrase only vaguely suggested the importance of time. However, now that this pressure has been changed to performance, the link becomes more obvious.

Why the Change? Closed "Time" was just one resource desired. Also, it was a pressure "of" time, and "for" performance. On checking the others systems, each has this distinction i.e. there is some essential resource that appears critical for handling the pressure.

However, given that the above supports the conjecture, there are three Centres whose labeling requires correction.

  • L2 Centre was labeled "use [the experience element]". However, this says little or nothing about the pressure for certainty, and all elements of experience will inevitably be "used". The phrase has therefore been altered to: "rely on [the experience element]", which indicates the confidence that comes from feeling certain.
  • L4 Centre was labeled "keep on [willingness element]". But this seems too general. It is re-labeled "feel good about [the willingness element]" so tying it into well-being, which is necessary for sustaining any special effort.
  • L7 Centre was labeled "focus [the communication element]" which now seems too general. The phrase has therefore been provisionally altered to: "respect [the communication element]", which indicates a submission and so selflessness, and provides distinctiveness from other communications.

Initially posted: 4-Aug-2013. Amended 16-June-2014.