Naming Communication-PH5 Fundamentals


The Communication hierarchy (PH5) was only recently developed and posted here. Here it is together with verbal forms provisionally identified in the Architecture Room.

L PH2: Inquiry
7 Sustain Openness
6 Assign Meanings
5 Agree Names
4 Appreciate Symbols
3 Interpret Significances
2 Establish Signals
1 Register/Emit Stimuli

In explaining the elements/levels of this Primary Hierarchy, I sensed a confusion which led me soon after to add an extra introductory page entitled: The Communicative Event.

This was the name proposed for the «simplest» phenomenon that can be labeled as communication. It is the property of one person with an intention, and that person may be a sender or a receiver.

Q: Is "Communicative Event" the appropriate name for PH5K?

A: Possibly if the content is an "event" and the context is "communicativeness". But such naming is unsatisfactory.

The Two Trees

Click on thumbnails to see provisional Tree Centres and Channels.


Pattern of centres and channels when the Primary Hierarchy of Communication is operated.

Event is not a name that intrinsically suggests communication. An alternative term with an association to concrete communication might be «expression» i.e. the event is an «expression» as specified by its function as a symbol-L4, sign-L3, signal-L2 and stimuli-L1.

An abstract painting may, for example, be regarded as an «expression» of something. But of what? That must be provided by the viewer: doing so requires use of the context aspect of the internal duality.

The context finds acceptable terms-L5 (names or labels) for what is viewed, assigns meanings-L6, and allows these to emerge through an openness-L7. Together these flow from and reflect the values and goals of the viewer: i.e. an intentionality is brought to bear.

This suggests that ««Requirements for an Intentional Expression» could be a reasonable name for the PH5K-Tree, one that captures its function. (Of course, in practice, an expession may not be deemed intentional, or an intention may not be effectively expressed—that is precisely what the Tree can help determine.)


Pattern of centres and channels when the Structural Hierarchy of Communication is operated.

The Structural Hierarchy-PsH5 has been provisionally developed but not posted or published. It is named Creating Discourse, and contains 28 components used by those who associate within a group or community. As usual, all of PH5K occurs in every Grouping.

The Structural Hierarchy Tree (PsH5K), also not yet published or posted, reveals that:

  • the Centres and Channels in the G1-G4 Content section enable individuals to associate and engage in a way that feels personal and important.
  • the Centres and Channels in the G5-G7 Context section provide the potential for any association to be sustained and cohesive .

The necessary Tree name must reveal that group morale guides and depends on members or participants valuing an association.

This suggests that Requirements for a «Vibrant Group» could be a reasonable name i.e. one that captures its function.

Note that this terminology allows for associations that lack energy e.g. marriages where partners stop communicating and whose lives disengage.


Considering these two Trees together, it seems that a Vibrant Group (PsH5K) is the field within which Intentional Expressions (PH5K) can be created and exchanged. What enables both vibrancy and social association are the various components that Create Discourse (PsH5).

  An Intentional Expression   A Vibrant Group
Primal Vehicle
Primal Effect
Primal Field PsH5K

28 Components

Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Last amended: 4-Sep-2016.