Naming a Domain's Fundamentals

Primary Hierarchy Complex

Domain Fundamentals refer to a triplet of originating Tree, structural hierarchy, and final Tree which can be generated from the 7 taxonomic elements of either the Root Hierarchy or any one of the 7 Primary Hierarchies.

These Fundamentals exist to enable a person to operate within and on a largely unknown reality relevant to that Domain. The image below shows PH5-Communication as an example, with the names developed later in this section at the top of the graphic, and the conceptualizations below.

Fundamental structures in the Communication domain.

The 7 PH-Trees(PH•K) define the 7 Primal Vehicles: all other mental or social phenomena either arise from these or exist to control them. Each PH generates components to produce Primal Effects and these, taken as a whole, form a Structural Hierarchy (PsH•), whose Tree (PsH•K) defines the Primal Field within which the relevant Primal Vehicle manifests repeatedly.

The same principle applies to the Root, with its Vehicle, Effects and Field.

Both Root and Primary Domains need to be controlled for an optimal outcome i.e. one which best meets the relevant Primal Need. This control is handled via special structures nested in the 6th Level of the Primary Hierarchy. Here too there are triplets, whose naming will be pursued in the next section.

Internal Duality provides a Naming Logic

The Tree names are most significant and the challenge in this inquiry has been twofold:

  1. To find a systematic logic for capturing the Tree function in a name.
  2. To ensure a meaningful link between names of the initial Tree of a structural hierarchy and the final Tree.
    Why?Closed Because all Levels and hence all parts of the originating Tree appear in all the Groupings of the associated Structural Hierarchy and contribute to the final Tree.

It seems that the internal duality (iD), a context-content structure, provides a logic and system meeting both these criteria.

► See types of Duality in the Hub.

Preliminary observations had suggested that the context part of the internal duality of the initial Tree might be similar to the content part of the internal duality of the final sH-Tree. The present investigation confirmed this conjecture. As a Taxonomic Principle that might aid discovery, it will be examined in the final review.

The name of any Tree in the Fundamentals can be generated by deriving a noun from the content part of the Tree, and adding a qualifying adjective from the context part. That makes it clear that Trees can be effectively operated with just the content. Ignoring the context may or may not matter—it all depends on the situation.

Names are constructed to enable the ethical aspiration inherent in the framework.

The pattern that will be clarified and demonstrated in the Topics to follow is shown below:

based on X-Y Division
Effect NAME
based on W-X' Division
Internal Duality Vehicle
28 Components

(3 Levels : 5 Centres)

NAME linking
X-Y and W-X'
(3 Groupings :
5 Centres : 6 Components)
(4 levels: 5 Centres)
(4 Groupings :
5 Centres : 22 Components)

Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Amended: 12-Aug-2016. Reviewed: 12-Jan-2023/