Our Primal Values: A Conjecture
The Effect of the Vehicles
In explaining the vehicles, a variety of was used as examples. It may have felt to you that I was not focusing on your preferred . It is certainly true that the wisdom literature and religious authorities through the ages have singled out certain for special emphasis. e.g. love and wisdom get far more column inches than simplicity or adventure. The recurring emphasis and obvious significance for humanity of these recurrently emphasized values has led me to label them: .
I offer here a set of identified characteristic quality of each to derive the most suitable value.
emerging from this taxonomic inquiry. My conjecture is that each has an that is naturally and intimately associated with it. Here are the proposed associations (capitalized in bold). I used the. It seems that is the core activity in the . The application of demands a with them as your primary activity to achieve anything good. Any situation where are to be applied requires activities that ensure opposites are reconciled, divisions are removed, and betterment applies in both directions.
- The Peace, because that is the prerequisite and the consequence of with others while allowing for differences. here is
. It seems that is a personal need in the . The application of demands a to them. Personal needs are met in community settings, and any situation where are to be applied will require you to your social milieu in a way that is fair to you and to others.
- The Justice (or Fairness), because that involves to group ethical codes and social arrangements applicable to every member of the group. here is
. It seems that is about the means for . The application of invariably demands of some sort, extra tasks that are not intrinsically good but serve an end that is. Any situation where are to be applied will require you to do things that take time and effort.
- The Strength, because that determines handling the flow of tasks in situations, and the amount and quality of physical and mental that is possible. here is
. It seems that is the desired outcome in the . The application of invariably functions in the service of being in some way. Any situation where are to be applied is one where there is difficulty, dispute or distress and the end result must be some relief.
- The Love, because that state guides and strengthens any service to ensure an actual . here is
. It seems that is about belief in the . The application of invariably demands of some sort to serve as a rationale for your position. Any situation where are to be applied will require you to have faith and belief in whatever you are doing.
- The Truth, because that determines whether or not can develop genuinely, and whether belief can be sustained. here is
. It seems that involves an assertion during the . The application of invariably demands the exercise of personal . So any situation where are to be applied will require some expression of preferred humane ideals.
- The Freedom, because that determines whether or not you can genuinely and openly assert what good you prefer. here is
. It seems that is the necessary experience in the . The application of invariably demands and evokes associated feelings and emotions. So any situation where are to be applied should have the potential to be experienced as enjoyable in some fashion.
- The Beauty, because it is an inner experience that lies in the eye of the beholder; and it is classically viewed as the purest source of . here is
Summary of Proposed Primal Values
R"G1 | Vehicle of Goodness | Quality | Primal Value |
7 | Unification | is the core activity. | Peace |
6 | Submission | is the personal need. | Justice |
5 | Exertion | is time-based means. | Strength |
4 | Helpfulness | is the desired outcome. | Love |
3 | Knowing | is a deep belief. | Truth |
2 | Aspiration | is a brute assertion. | Freedom |
1 | Enjoyment | is an inner experience. | Beauty |

I offer these
names as a set for the West. Meditate on these daily and you won't go far wrong.However, I doubt that it is ever possible to be authoritative in regard to naming, and especially in this context. Nor is there any need for me to be definitive. In any case, historical development alters the meaning of words.
Cultural and historical factors are relevant e.g. Compassion seems to be used in the East where Love is used in the West. The choice of a culture-hero or religious founder may determine the choice of term for adherents e.g. Wisdom may then be preferred to Truth.
There are many variations on values and I am aware that others might be preferred as the primary association with the
e.g.● equality with
● obedience with
● power with
● compassion with
● wisdom with
● growth with
● delight with
See more associations/assignations below.

It is important to recognize that almost anything that is a basic and enduring feature of personal and social functioning can be used as an
It is possible that the use of common
is associated with the identified here. Some further suggestions are shown below. See if you agree.
Yet More on Ultimate Values
An a universally accepted and eternally pursued state of being.
isWhen the term «values» is used without elaboration in texts, it may refer to «
»—but it may not. Sometimes the context makes it clear, but just as often the reference is left vague. More thoughtful individuals have proposed special labels for
●transcendental value, ●meta-value, ●being value, ●ultimate goal, ●universal value, ●inspirational value, ●absolute value, ●existential value, ●spiritual value.
As well as possessing the properties common to all forms of value, are distinctive in that they:
- provide the ultimate and absolute justification for lower level values;
- enable union and communion because they are integrative and inclusive;
- connect to inspiration, imagination and transpersonal being;
- facilitate selflessness and a responsibility to humanity and God;
- empower convictions, ideals, visions, and social movements.
For a full account, see Ch. 4 & 5 in Working with Values (1995). Download free.
A New Approach to Choosing Your Ultimate Values
- Remove common confusions about values and ultimate values.
Originally posted: 29-Mar-2013