Humanity's Achilles' Heel
The Problem of Evil is Ours
Where the Good v Evil polarity is split, it is evident that in the higher (L6 and L5), the Good dominates, while in the lower ( ), Evil dominates. Furthermore, Good and Evil are divided and kept apart in the Divine realm, except within Divine Oneness, which is, in any case, incomprehensible.

So, at least on superficial inspection, handling Evil is significantly easier for than it is for us .
Furthermore the whole system has its L1-foundation in survival via
. This arena is competitive: the survival of the fittest based on group survival and pursuit of self-interest. ( ) developed. Cruelty and domination became increasingly devalued, while concern, help and care for others took centre stage (at least as an aspiration). The various urges conflicted uneasily until something happened: mankind developed the technological capacity to destroy itself and indeed all life.The issue now is the provision of effective control of the inherent evil that is fused with the undoubted good within . If not, human beings in their headlong drive to survive will certainly push themselves into extinction. This is not speculation: many societies have done just that by destroying the environment that supported them or exhausting their wealth and moral integrity via continual wars and pervasive corruption.
The diagram makes it obvious that the
can do nothing directly about this. Sustainability is up to us.The Solution for Evil must be Ours
The diagram suggests that Divine Planes (L5-L7).
should sustain and . Then those two can support the and all higherHowever, for that to work out,
and must provide sufficient effective control over .There are only two ways to enable this: ●elevation and ●supervision.
Those on the
can make the effort to raise themselves into the by fostering their own . This is perfectly possible.However, because everyone's natural tendencies will be otherwise, success will depend greatly on a social context that gently but firmly pressures practical people to elevate themselves.
Many self-help and management books are currently being focused explicitly on this as part of the emergence of the 21st Century Enlightenment e.g. a recent text with this goal is called «Lift».
Much of the effort must initially come from the sustained by those firmly established within . leaders and managers will need to accept and understand wise counsel and become genuinely excited by the opportunity. Many will be highly practical. So it will be important to promise great benefits from doing things in ways that align with a « ». It must be emphasized that control over base impulses will feel completely natural.
, but it will need to be handled andWith effort, it is possible to inhibit mindless repetition of…
Yet to Come: To this point, there are no specifications within THEE about what « » refers to, and what it entails. That will be explored in the next section.

«While no bad man is wholly bad, no good man is wholly good. » That is the painful truth of the human condition. As a result, when survival seems to be at stake, the balanced and healthy solution above can be utterly overwhelmed by something that emerges from a dominant .
In the face of self-inflicted harms, such a person promises fulfilment of desires to survive, together with other desires, often evil ones. For example, evil desires for «domination over outsiders» or «freedom from responsibility» «removal of risk», or «destruction of a scapegoat». In return, all the asks for is: total obedience and full belief—and people respond.
Here is the experiential origin of totalitarianism. This framework explains the magnetic hold that megalomaniac dictators have over otherwise intelligent, good natured people.
Elites who dream of an intellectual control by philosopher-kings or enhanced artificial intelligence are advocating totalitarianism by another name.
Originally posted: 26-Oct-2012