World Saviour: RH'L4
Demands of the Salvation Quest
provides for an advanced humanity in which the significance of caring for others comes to the forefront, and personal needs are pushed into the background.It generates a Model Being potentially thought of as a World Saviour. In doing so, it provides for a semi-divine form of human existence e.g. in the Indian tradition, the avatar brings dharma (rightness, truth) back to the social order. Here, the self has a high degree of selfless compassion. It is based on partly because of the intense inner states flowing from unification with the Divine, and partly because deep identification with others leads to a wise and compassionate union.
The significance of
occurs simultaneously with a renunciation of the self, although the self is usually thought of as the repository of independent experience. The end result is to produce a spiritual condition as a continuing state of mind.
Note: This is not equivalent to being on a Why?
Being an imagined ideal, it is quite reasonable that World Saviours should seek to save all others, and primarily their souls. They can do this because they operate on an elevated close to the Divine realm. The proposed THEE-name for this is: .
Spirituality and Cosmic Consciousness
The self still exists as long as a person is alive. However in the presence of
, it is renounced and the person exists primarily for others. This does not usually lead to giving practical services, except sporadically, because the focus here moves to preserving the soul or spirit of man.For those rare few who discover that the World Saviour model, these rare individuals have a dramatic impact on those who choose to get close to them. Such individuals have been born in the past—Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, and Lao Tze are examples. Such individuals probably exist now and they will continue to be born.
is their primary level of existence, it is not an easy life. Because they embody features of theThe divine realms, and view the imperfection of humanity in its terms. While few make their home on this , many enter it temporarily at least once. When that happens, it is never forgotten. Descriptions of typically emphasize the sudden onset of features like:
seems to be an enabling state that allows a person to perceive, conceive or contact- intense sensory experiences: rushing wind, flame-coloured clouds, brilliant whiteness;
- intense emotional experiences: joyousness or bliss, exaltation, awe, the presence of absolute goodness, a flow of love;
- intense reality experiences: the cosmos as a living thing, the perfection of existence, the sense of eternity and infinity, the truth of what is happening;
- intense perception of interconnections: torrent of ideas, events and relationships into a vast system so that everything makes sense and any conception or truth may be accessed.
It may be that the person gives the presence of
a name as if it were a different entity: Mohammed called it Gabriel; Jesus called it Kingdom of Heaven.Ethics
on this Plane of Cosmic Consciousness is naturally:►
on this Plane of Cosmic Consciousness is naturally:►
Those who see themselves in the mould of a World Saviour proclaim themselves as such. Some must agree so as to willingly support the person in their semi-divine state with the necessities for living. The Divine planes above give their blessing to and there is usually some evidence of this, often thought of as miracles.
. If such a person is adopted by an ideology, as occurred with Jesus and Siddartha, then others typically invent and elaborate magical and miraculous events as tenets that supposedly prove divinity. The lesser mortals responsible just don't care that theMiracles:
As well as natural mystics (e.g. Ezekiel, Hildegard of Bingen, Rabbi Isaac Luria, Joan of Arc, Ramakrishna), periodic access to this
seems to be evident in some of our greatest poets and artists: William Shakespeare, William Blake, Dante Alighieri, Honoré de Balzac. - From below in the World Saviour. In secular societies, there is often a denial of spiritual states and divine realms generally, and skepticism as to whether a World Saviour is credible. Those who have a firm instrumental base dislike and distrust the absence of rational processes or logical control. For anyone in , there is far less doubt that is a possibility. There is also admiration, awe and reverence for those who regularly access the , and sometimes a wish to experience (without necessarily having a ). , there may be a fixed dogmatic belief in a
- From the perspective of higher Divine beings, this is essential to sustain humanity as more than mere animal existence, including its capacity to preserve and develop goodness.
- Continue to Model Beings & Planes in the Divine Realm.
Originally posted: 14-Sep-2012