

Having come this far, a re-consideration of the name applied to this Societal Institution-Q4 structural framework seems relevant.

Investigation of Philosophy Schools-Q5 revealed that the structural hierarchy contained components of the «functioning of a school». On checking Formal Organisations-Q2, this framework was called «organisation of management», but it could have been sensibly named «functioning of an organisation». Provisional unpublished notes for Academic Disciplines-Q3 showed this framework to be named «operation of a discipline».

This suggests that the appropriate name here might have been «functioning of an institution». However, this would be misleading because the automatic thought that follows is that this framework must be about effectively meeting social needs. This is what most would think of as a functioning institution, but examination of the components indicates that would be false.

The message of this section is that societal institutions can only be said to function if they are being continuously and actively shaped by the public and public bodies designed for that task—using the components that have been identified in this section. So naming the framework «shaping societal evolution» is consistent, revealing and appropriate.

Components of Shaping Institutional Evolution

The full picture of the structural hierarchy is shown below.

Complete picture of the structural hierarchy which contains all the work components that shape institutional evolution.

Here is a listing of the qualities associated with g-levels within components.

Qualities of the internal levels of the groups that are components of shaping institutional evolution.


Schematic Overview

This property matrix includes a column not previous discussed: the expected oscillating duality. It seems that the odd levels affect but do not depend on the general public, while the even levels seek or even require the involvement and assent of the public.

G# Label Function Oscillation Quality Psychological
Response of the Institution Practical
based on
To have an institution that is built on principles valued in society, even if the status quo has deficiencies. Produced by social bodies for public consumption. Confident Pride or shame, with gratification and frustration. To welcome official public inquiries with full powers to compel transparency and so make recommendations that will be believed and accepted. Meeting public needs is given due attention and priority over vested interests.
based on
To develop an awareness that underpins reorientation of behaviour in accord with the values that define the institution. Production is in the hands of relevant organisations and the general public. Ethical Mindset adjustment to deal with habit and self-interest. The institution continues its piecemeal evolution with varying commitment and belief by those involved. Multiple small adjustments and distributed innovations.
based on
To debate in ways and fora that energize and activate society so that a sense emerges that change is possible. Produced by politicians, media and concerned citizens with the public as onlookers. Selective Feelings of energy and optimism or despair and pessimism according to the quality of the debate. Gratification at the attention and expecting some constructive outcome. Potential for change exists.
based on
To provide a scenario of the future progress of the institution that is likely to command widespread consent. Production is modified by the views of the concerned public. Skillful Preference for an approach to scenario-building with tolerance of imperfection. Anger and frustration based on deficiencies and limitations of the offered scenarios. The timing and degree of urgency of needed evolution is revealed.
based on
To provide a foundation of ideas for improvement that can engender support from sections of society. Produced by committed parties even if unwanted by many. Thoughtful Hope for something better with scepticism about these recipes. Long term implications and future unknowns create concerns about the value of the stances. Potentials for corruption and damage to the institution.
based on
To enable accounts for the public that integrate a meaningful picture with a specific justification. Production seeks receptivity and depends upon the public. Convincing Making sense of an issue despite potential for disagreement. Subjection of the institution to scrutiny and exposure, both fair and unfair. Public becomes aware that there are institutional issues requiring resolution.
based on
To differentiate personal efforts for improvement that emerge from problems with the status quo or from official public inquiries. Produced by activists even if misunderstood or unwanted by the public. Fervent Identification with principles of the institution, and a sense that activism is to be welcomed. The public is ultimately responsible, but gets frustrated with the bureaucracy and government handling. Nothing happens if people are apathetic, oppose activism, or deny the value of society.

This completes a provisional outline of the structural hierarchy.

Originally posted: 18-Mar-2024.