Expect Progress: G6

2 hexads in which indicators of re-orientation are used to expect progress of the institution


Debates about aspects of an institution and the associated activation of people and groups in society leads to an expectation of change for the better. That means there is a readjustment and re-emphasis amongst current societal values and beliefs.

Moving from debating to an expectation of progress appears to result from the addition of a further level to form hexads

Any progress can be described as ethical because it is pushing institutions towards what is judged to be "right and good", and potentially forcing members of the public to accept and even identify with these changes.

For society in general, this leads to a cultural adjustment driven ethically by alterations to dominant perspectives (L6).

For those working actively within the institution, re-orientation means altered priorities. This change will be driven by ethical demands for transparency (L7) i.e. adoption of the new values should be visible within and without the enterprise.

Indicators of Reorientation

Altered Priorities (G62)

Priorities are the lowest level of value (i.e. PH6L3) and always exist within actual projects and enterprises. Priorities are brought to bear to determine where resources should be directed and what will count as a preferred outcome.

Altered priorities are intrinsically transparent: it will become evident very soon if a transport service is giving more attention to safety, if a health service is giving more attention to those in poverty, if defence of the realm is responding to weakness in the navy. These are ethical demands.

Given alteration of priorities, those within institutions can fervently discuss remedies, convincingly analyse controversial issues, thoughfully construct a new narrative, skillfully deploy statistics, and selectively handle perspectives.

Altered priorities requires work at Levels 2 to 7 inclusive.

Cultural Adjustment (G61)

Cultural adjustment is about a readiness to reject damaging perspectives and take on a new more beneficial perspective as an ethical requirement

Given such an ethical adjustment, people are freed to fervently promote the public interest, convincingly discuss remedies, thoughtfully analyse issues, skillfully construct narratives, and selectively highlight statistics.

Cultural adjustment requires work at Levels 1 to 6 inclusive.



To develop an awareness that underpins reorientation of behaviour in accord with the values that define the institution.

Quality: Ethical i.e. to adhere to what is believed to be right and good for the institution.

Integration within the Group: The missing levels are irrelevant in each case. For G72, altered priorities are associated with a demand for transparency to demonstrate their re-orientaton, but the focus is on the functioning of the enterprise, not on promoting the public interest. For G71, cultural adustmentis associated with active promotion of the public interest, but there is demand for transparency is irrelevant to the general public.

How altered sentiment and altered priorities overlap.

Integration across the Groups: Priorities in practice are dependent on an inner adjustment.

From the diagram at right it is evident that each hexad handles work levels differently. So:

Challenging a Perspective must be g6-ethical for the culture, but is g5-selective for priorities.

Highlighting Statistics must be g5-selective for the culture, but g4-skillful for priorities.

Construction of narratives must beg4-skillful for the culture, but g3-thoughtful for priorities.

Analysis of controversies must be g3-thoughtful for the culture, but g2-convincing for priorities.

Discussions of remedies must be g2-convincing for the culture, but g1-fervent for priorities.

Psychological Correlate: Mindset adjustment to deal with habit and self-interest.

Institutional Tension: The institution continues its evolution with varying commitment and belief by those involved.

Practical Implications: Multiple modest adjustments and distributed innovations.


An ethical basis for awareness within the general public and within those working full-time in the institution fosters identification and application of principles that guide the institution.

These principles are the basis for accepting recommendations and are associated with the addition of a further and final level to create the heptad.

On the one hand, these principles put the the G71-status quo in perspective (as described earlier). The principles and the status quo are the basis for any improvement, which is best determined by official public inquiries given due powers.

Originally posted: 18-Mar-2024