Spreading the Orthodoxy: L3

L3: Standardized Dissemination

When Schools desire to spread the word outside the insider group of adherents, there is a concern that all communications accord with the orthodoxy. That means dissemination needs to be a group decision and kept under group control.


Dynamic Duality: Dissemination projects are complicated: requiring adherents to manage events, produce pamphlets, and prepare lectures. Any writing or preparation of materials is a creative task that is a matter for willing individuals who inevitably put their own stamp on the output. Groups cannot do such work. However, anything to do with the doctrine needs to be approved by the group to ensure there is nothing idiosyncratic or inappropriate.

So this level in the Tree will generate two polarized but connected Centres:
L3P and L3S.

L3P is labeled Standardized Materials

L3S is labeled Dissemination Projects

Any dissemination effort is only as good as the materials that are created, so the personal pole is dominant and placed on the right in the Tree.

Psychosocial Pressure Closed:

The Stage psychosocial pressure is understanding so that dissemination does not become mechanical or rote, and new adherents are likely to be attracted. The Root psychosocial pressure is acceptability because both the materials that are produced and the methods of dissemination need to be acceptable both within the school, and in meeting the expectations of the wider community



Influences amongst centres in the lower three levels of work that spread the orthodoxy.

The two L3-Centres are linked because groups need to instruct individuals what to produce, and all produced materials require approval by the group. There is potentially much discussion about what to say and how to say it and this process in itself develops a shared understanding and strengthens the School.

L3P L3S Channel is labeled Doctrine Clarification.

L1 L3

Production of doctrinal materials suitable for external consumption demonstrates that the realization and its orthodox formulation have been fully assimilated by the adherent. The materials become a way to display to other members and to the public the profundity that has been achieved.

L1B L3P Channel is labeled Doctrinal Expertise.

Dissemination enables communication of the fundamentals that have been determined as orthodox, while the intensity of realizations promotes dissemination.

L1B L3S Channel is labeled Doctrine Promotion

L2 L3:

Mentoring and supervision provide examples and insight into difficult issues that support the creation of materials to aid dissemination. The creation of those materials also organises thinking which assists effective teaching and guidance.

L2B L3P Channel is labeled Doctrine Consolidation

Mentors typically contribute to dissemination projects, in part because those projects are designed to generate new adherents who will require supervision, and in part because that is a way to support the school more generally. Both Centres are mutually supportive ways to contribute to the School's outreach.

L2B L3P Channel is labeled: School Participation

Originally posted: 4-Dec-2022. Last updated: 10-Apr-2024.