Political Transition #3
The Great Reversal
The power & wealth dynamic in .
has reversed theInitially, Power is the route to Wealth.
Now, Wealth is the route to Power.
Unfortunately, this creates a «mess».Details
To tackle the mess left by uncontrolled commercial exploitation, a new genuinelypractical and socially viable solutions to serious problems. That is usually tricky.
is required that is designed to focus sharply onAny solution must be workable in the here and now, and must also preserve and protect institutions and values of earlier
.The pressing demands for a solution point the way to the use of impersonal and scientific methods in
. The necessary institutions are defined within the .
Science is not the Final Solution
embeds rule of law and popular enfranchisement; and the embeds personal freedom and social prosperity. Both are significant moves away from and counteract the political classes' exploitation of the people.Ideas that science offers «the solution» for society and that maturity in political terms is just around the corner are arrogant conceits. Nevertheless, a political process that explicitly incorporates clear thinking, common-sense, local knowledge and genuine investigation represents a shift in power from the wealthy and political elites in favour of the people.
While this transition reflects a maturation in the functioning of political institutions, it is not the end of the story. We are approaching a half-way point in the trajectory towards full
.- Now: continue to the next rationalist mode. : the
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 27 Jan 2010