Re-enter Mode-1: Containment

The Watershed

Having reached the Sensory Mode(Stage-4), the sense of self is now strong—strong enough to refer confidently to "a self". A person feels well-individualized. Because of the values and attitudes that have cumulated to this point, the quality of the emotionality-μ1 now shifts.

Re-entry to Mode-1 Emotional where a developed comfort zone permits containment.

Less attention needs to be given to handling mental states because:

  • social integration in Stage-2 provides automatic conventions and norms that modulate and channel feelings;;
  • the self-concept in Stage-3 provides a base for assertion and self-direction as well as a preference for keeping feelings private; &
  • a flow of good feelings including reassuring and soothing recognition is received in Stage 4.

At the same time, the cumulation of values from the Social, Individual and Sensory Modes makes it easier to handle complexity.

So the spiral trajectory re-enters the Emotional Mode-μ1 further down the ellipse. This new position is best characterized as containment. Containment of feelings, or self-containment, is a state in which the self is both sensitive and stable. The resulting stability of feelings makes it much easier to function smoothly on most occasions.

The boundaries within which stability is assured define a «comfort zone». Outside the comfort zone, a person is liable to become overtly and even intensely emotional—which is why people do not want to leave that zone.

The initial values of the Emotional Mode-φ1 now manifest a subtle but significant adjustment due to inputs from Modes μ2, μ3 & μ4.

  • Sensitivity now generates far less volatility.
  • Approval becomes less urgently desired.
  • Confidantes are less depended on.
  • Ventilation occurs with less intensity.
  • Complementary pairing involves more diversity.
  • Likes and dislikes are more durable and dependable.
  • Genuineness is aided by self- and social-acceptance.

Having provided satisfactory control of one's own motivated presence, the completion of Cycle-1 is an attractive settling point in the individualizing process.

Recap of Cycle 1

The function of Cycle-1 is to ensure that a person has sufficient control over their motivated presence (PsH4K)—while being and feeling wholly themselves as a person with a distinctive character.

ClosedRecap how this control develops:

Emotional Stage-1 entails openness to "what I am feeling now" because that provides the basis for a genuine presence.
Note:Closed The foundation and means of a motivated presence (PsH4K), is Pay Attention to Experiences (G1B), which functions under a psychosocial pressure for autonomy.

Social Stage-2 adds to this an active engagement with the values, norms and goals of personally chosen groups. This increases social integration and allows presence to be shaped and managed through contributing with and for others.

Individual Stage-3 leads to creation of a self-concept, which provides for greater internal management of presence. The distinct individualized self can serve as a predictable context for interactions.

Sensory Stage-4 finally reaffirms engagement with others through provision of good feelings. A person activates others to willingly provide acknowledgement and encouragement and reciprocates. This ensures a flow of positive support for a presence as developed via all previous Stages.

At each of these 4 Stages, a person may feel content with their self and its degree of strength and individuality. If so, there is no call for further progress. Such a choice will depend on situational factors (e.g. age, community), as well as personal aspirations and, perhaps, the preferred method for mental stabilization.

While the self at the end of Cycle-1 can exist and function in a constructive, comfortable and balanced fashion, something more is offered in Cycle-2 which allows exploration and activation of additional personal potentials.

Significance & Meaning in Cycle-2

The inner self-oriented concern may strive to go beyond stability. There may be an inner drive for the sense of self and its well-being to become more meaningful in either or both personal and social terms.

If well-being is to become more meaningful, then the 'self' must become less 'selfish'. That means raising one's horizons and making a special effort.

Strengthening the self through Cycle-2 calls for understanding and reflection: it is a process that can be termed: self-actualization. It shows as a willingness to alter belief systems and to move outside of comfort zones.

Exploring and developing inner potentials is a multi-stage process. The first step is to become energized for greater things and this can only emerge from the Vital Mode (L'2).

Originally posted:  7-Jan-2016. Last amended: 23-Jun-2016.