Preview of the Framework

The Trajectory in Brief

The natural sequence of Modes (value-sets) to be installed traces out a spiral trajectory when plotted on the PH'4-stabilization TET. As the values at each Stage cumulate, the sense of self becomes progressively stronger and a person is more individualized.

The sense of self starts in the Emotional Mode, which enables an immediate necessary sense of existence and uniqueness. This is a matter of sensitivity to feelings and a willingness to own them.

However, it soon becomes evident in social situations that your presence, though unmistakable and perhaps lovable, is somewhat unstable. You cry more than most. Your varying feelings make you unpredictable or even unreliable—and not only in the eyes of others.

It is common to become dissatisfied with the volatility and to doubt your own motivations and goals. Personal life may become chaotic or excessively inhibited to compensate for the seeming vulnerability intrinsic to emotional lability. The first challenge may therefore be labeled: "gaining control of your motivated presence" (as represented in PsH4K): and this is what Cycle-1 is about.

The various instigators of transition are shown in the diagram below and then briefly explained.

Spiral trajectory showing stages and transitional instigators of development of the sense of self.

Cycle-1 starts with a natural sensitivity from the Emotional Mode-μ1and concludes by spontaneously re-entering Mode-μ1 to generate a contained sensitivity. That assures a natural stability of the self—so long as you stay within your comfort zones.

Cycle-2 concludes by re-entering the Emotional Mode-μ1 to generate a more attuned and appropriate sensitivity that ensures automatic consistent empathy. The self is now solid and resilient in the face of life's vicissitudes, whatever they may be.

ClosedEmotions are Central for the Self

  • The full story is far more interesting and it starts here.
  • See a more detailed summary in the final Review.

Originally drafted:  4-Jan-2016. Last amended:25-Jan-2016.