TOP Newsletter #1: 13 April 2011
Dear Member,
The TOP website went live in the last week of February against a global background of exceptional disasters and political turbulence. The scale of recent events has been distressing and hard to contemplate. TOP, in its microcosm, has had some turbulence and many minor developments, virtually all for the good.
These newsletters will not be blogs—I am not a blogger—nor are they guaranteed to be routine or regular. I want to keep you up-to-date with what is going on at TOP and what I am doing as I respond to users’ feedback. This first newsletter is about starting TOP and is longer than I expect will be needed in the future. All newsletters will be available on the website and can be accessed here.
Registration Issues
I know some of you had your patience stretched to the limit in attempting to Sign-on. My apologies, but also thanks! Thanks to your experiences, we completely overhauled the process—making over a dozen changes. As far as we can tell, new users are finding the process smooth. If you are still having difficulty, please contact our helpful and he will assist you.
Note that in the top tab near where you log in, there is an FAQ helping with common issues in viewing and using the website.
Changes to the Site.
Early users provided a variety of interesting suggestions for improving the site. These have dealt with aesthetics, ease of use, navigation and more. I always take notice, and have made many changes to the support pages and to the navigation. More are in the pipeline as the TOP teams works to create an interface which is friendly, useful and easy to understand. Please keep your ideas coming.
For those who have given feedback about typos and similar errors: many thanks.
Framework Posting
Posting the Primary Hierarchy of Communication (PH5) is happening level by level (or topic by topic). So far L1, L2, and L3 are on-line. The question is whether posting a framework topic-by-topic is experienced as useful in reducing overload, or frustrating in preventing a full view. If you have a strong reaction, let me know.
Posting of the Frameworks of Deciding and Achieving has also begun, Following the Introduction section, the framework of 7 decision methods
was posted. Next to come will be the TET analysis which allows all the decision approaches to be plotted and viewed simultaneously. (The secret is to use axes that define the relevant psychosocial reality when taking action.)
Posting of topics relevant to the Root Hierarchy—Hierarchy of Personal Endeavour or Levels of Will—has also commenced.
Updates to THEE formulations
When I change formulations, I can imagine it might be disruptive. But try as hard as I might, I rarely get things right after dozen attempts. Usually it is the 17th or 22nd that does it. Anyway, change in a key formulation has been made: «Creative endeavour» is now re-named «Personal Endeavour» The explanation has been posted. It may seem a small change but it is a major clarification that, if correct, will properly guide the discovery of those frameworks near the Root of THEE.
Small changes in topics are being made all the time. Only significant formulation or naming changes will be announced and these can always be found in the Notices under the relevant heading.
RSS Reminder: You can know immediately about all developments and changes by subscribing to the RSS news feed.
Behind the Scenes with THEE
There have recently been some new ideas about THEE structures that would not have emerged without the discipline required by this website. The latest is posted to the meta-THEE Perspectives section of The Hub.
If you want to participate or contribute in any way to THEE or TOP, drop me an email.
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