TOP Quarterly Update #10: 4 October 2013
Dear Member,

I'm back in an old groove and it feels great. By investigating the architecture of THEE, I've made a series of fantastic discoveries that can help anyone just when everything seems stacked against you and skies seem darkest.
Ever been in a close relationship that you wanted to rescue? Ever found that people won't listen to something important for them? Ever found yourself continually avoiding something essential? Ever been trapped by lousy conditions at work? Ever wanted to make a project succeed against everyone's advice? Ever wanted to restore harmony to a faction-ridden group? Ever wanted to recover from a personal collapse?
Frameworks for getting your mind in the right space in all these situations have emerged from identifying and testing architectural findings.These are not taxonomic frameworks, and they would not have emerged from usual observations. By some blessing from the Gods, my first two scientific initiatives have borne unexpected fruit—and I'm still cultivating, harvesting and testing conjectures, so perhaps the best is yet to come.
THEE is a model of creative human living that is producing surprising findings that did not go into its construction. There is no doubt in my mind that it has the potential to enable a better world. It melds science with our humanity in a way never previously imagined possible.
Latest Postings
Back in the taxonomy proper, I’m happy to say that the Your Better Self Frameworks are now fully posted. I am aware that there are still more Frameworks in this set to be developed—at least the and , and probably the and its . This material seems to be about developing humane (non-utopian) communities. But I feel the individual-oriented material needs to settle and receive feedback before I attempt anything more.
There is plenty of work sitting in my To Do list. There are inquiries that are complete but not converted into Topics for the website: in Work & its Organisation, Art Kleiner Conjecture, and the Use of Language (started in the TOP Studio).
But let me get more down to earth with a long-standing gap in THEE. We are all currently living within a global socio-economic environment that is fraught to say the least. Our governments are not proving themselves paragons of good sense, nor defenders of our elemental liberties. More than a decade of pointless violence, civil and State-sponsored, looks set to continue. We can and must do something: each in our own way. Who else? The THEE Framework for handling political tensions shows what is involved in political change and participation. But it is incomplete. No-one has stepped forward to assist me here. Why not? Which takes me to …
Member Survey
It’s now almost 3 years since the website went public. I’ve been working on it for 6 years. It’s been an unusually productive period. I have explored and articulated more taxonomic frameworks in these few years than in the previous 2 decades. But then I didn’t know what THEE was all about.
I had hoped, via the website, to be guided and aided by members drawn from the more aware and thoughtful section of the public, especially in the younger generation. However, the interactivity and feedback available via the website has had rather little use.
As a result I believe it is time to do a survey to learn more.
The first Member Survey will be conducted very soon. Please look out for the email and complete it online. It will only take 5 minutes, plus perhaps another 5 or so if you are willing to explain some of your answers. I shall appreciate your views and you will be helping other members too.
Scientific Progress
Most of my posting over the past quarter has been to the Architecture Room where I have been working on my two conjectures. I mentioned one in my July Update: that simultaneously «forcing reversal» of the oscillating duality in all Levels in a Primary Hierarchy should create a new hierarchical Framework. So 7 PHs means 7 new Frameworks: but these are not taxonomic Frameworks. For now, I call them «emergent Frameworks». They all appear to deal with possible response to major breakdowns, collapses or failures: the human determination to triumph over the reality and constraints that THEE represents as inexorable.
The basic thinking and all 7 frameworks have been sufficiently developed to be posted. They cover: . It is early days, so expect revisions of some formulations and further unravelling of implications.
As luck would have it, the breakthrough to understanding these frameworks came from my second investigation into how «projections» of the Root Hierarchy enable formation of other THEE structures. I decided to start with Primary Hierarchies. I have envisaged more than one pattern here, but it suddenly seemed as if there might be the simplest form of correspondence: RL1 is needed for L1 in every Primary Hierarchy, RL2 is needed for L2 in every Primary Hierarchy, and so on up to RL7 and PH-L7.
You may find that following my thinking is as convoluted as reading an explanation of Gödel's Proof. If so, just go to the end result [which is fascinating because it enabled me to link the Root frameworks to biological drives
] and observations from psychotherapy that no-one ever feels safe enough, loved enough, appreciated enough, good enough &c. That conjecture was then used as the key to understanding the emergent Frameworks as described above.
It also suggested to me that an entity within a Root Level is not identical to an entity with the same name after emanation in the Primary Hierarchy (i.e. the taxonomy proper). Within the Root, the entity has force-like qualities. In the taxonomy proper it has thing/process-like qualities.
This inquiry provided a surprise and a bonus. I discovered that when you challenge choices that people make at any level (in any Primary Hierarchy) they answer you by using a particular Primary Hierarchy. Their chosen Primary Hierarchy turns out to be identical to the transformation caused by forcing a reversal of the oscillating duality. Check it out here: and please contact me if you can explain that finding. A scientific outlook does not allow this to be dismissed as «just a coincidence». It certainly bolsters my belief that I am on to something with the «emergent Frameworks».
Those who followed my blogging know that the Framework that has given me the most trouble over the years has been the one that I call
. Why is it so hard? Possibly because reality is so hard.Reality is so confusing, so irritating and intractable, and often so awful, that the best thing is to avoid it entirely. The only time you cannot avoid it is when you want to change it. So I realized early on that Level-6 because there are distinct paradigms that people use (and defend to the death!) to get a fix on reality.
must be a Level of and atThe biggest problem that I had was thinking about change as action, and change targets as goals. You have to do something to make a change, don’t you? And you do need goals. But over time I came to see that was a big mistake. Another error was to think in terms of degrees of change: from tiny to transformative. This was also misleading: all Primary Hierarchies show dramatic qualitative transformations from Level to Level.
Slowly I came to see that change was associated with identity as a pattern or state of affairs. For example, targets defined by change were not goals but coherent stages in the progression of a project. I reformulated change levels in terms of overall states of affairs with
at L4, at L6, at L7, and at L1. I was confused about L2, L3, and L5 and juggled with these in a futile, unsatisfying way.There the matter rested until I started work on the architecture. Forcing duality reversals gave me clues to the latest version of names.
So I have gone back to my explanations of Endeavour and Creativity
and adjusted the wording in many of the Topics to make matters clearer. (This is successive approximation in process.) It will still be a long while before I attempt to explore the many Frameworks of in detail, but it is no longer inconceivable.
That’s it till next time, but more soon ...
Take care and thanks for your support.
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