Rise to the Occasion
Challenges in Communal Living

The present framework has permanent moral challenges at those Levels where the are polarized into two opposite Centres: , and . At these Levels, it is you versus it.
Levels—it may be intensified—but unity of your personal milieu and your social milieu is indeed riven.
is not abandoned at theseYou are deeply challenged whenever your own nature is sharply distinct from what your social milieu notices, affirms and holds to be real and right, best and true. The difficulty (from the present perspective) is that this disjunction is likely to be a constant state in regard to many matters.
Your social milieu—whether an organization, a community, a society, or government—determines the system. It dominates every individual in regard to major issues or what is to be taken as psychosocial reality. So, however much you wish to focus on a societal failing and remedy matters, in practice, your social milieu does not spontaneously welcome it and rejects lone disruptive individuals.
That is why George Bernard Shaw observed: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."
However, you are permitted to act—with one proviso. You must act when the moment, your moment, arrives. Then, and only then, can you rise to the occasion.
Personal v Social Pressures
In rising to the occasion, under the influence of your balanced directly:
, you can consciously activate the- within and around the situation.
- in the situation.
- relevant to the situation.
- as possible in the situation.
This may not be easy: but it is far easier than in the bipolar Levels where two sharply distinct and often opposing demands manifest. (Review.)
- requires both:
- (S)
requires both:
- (S)
requires both:
- (P)
In each case, the dominant Centre is known. It is now necessary to clarify the Precept that emerges from interaction of these Centres.
Heed What's Right: RH"L6

Social obligations, customs and laws are ethical for the group within which they are found. These are commonly backed by an attitude that says: "my country/religion/tribe right or wrong". But
operate at a higher level—they serve humanity. The group, necessarily, is dominated by its immediate pressures and the mass of its members, almost never by the most enlightened. So the ethical development and spiritual maturity of any group depend on the those individuals who are willing to rise to the occasion and speak up against beliefs and practices which they can see are profoundly wrong.The PreceptStand Up and Be Counted.
is named:Reminder of the Two Centres & a Disturbing Example
Do Your Best: RH"L5
Social reformers devise programs under an inner compulsion triggered by an outer human problem. Bosses in large firms are more prone to innovate when under competitive pressure. Entrepreneurs are motivated to demonstrate the value of their ideas. In all cases, being under pressure generates an urge to respond by
. The uncertainty of disruption to is rarely welcomed and may be feared. That is why the situation requires that you rise to the occasion and show what you can do and what can be achieved by the right approach if it is put into practice with determination.The PreceptMake Your Mark.
is named: is what society requires of you, and society responds most naturally to what is tried, tested and traditional. However, what society and its members need is rather different from what they want and currently get. People constantly require better solutions to existing problems, higher quality services and more useful and efficient products. As society evolves, there are often new needs to be addressed. is not just about tangible goods and services. It also includes more intangible outputs like knowledge, morale, art or philosophy. Whatever the output, by you provide the potential for improvements for some or many in your social environment.More on the Precept & Examples
Become Aware: RH"L3
Grasping situations properly may hurt your self-image. Understanding exactly what is going on could lead to an unpleasant awareness of being rejected or humiliated. Perhaps your wishes or ideals will be shattered by what you learn. You might be exposed to feelings of helpless and hopelessness. In short: situations may often be difficult and challenging. Either you rise to the occasion, or you run away and avoid knowing. That could mean closing your mind and ruling out of bounds whole chunks of personal and social life.
The PreceptFace Things Squarely.
is named: that pose risks for you or your intimates, or that may affect the direction or balance of your life. Situations lend themselves to direct investigation e.g. you can speak to friends and advisors, or read about similar situations and learn from the experiences of others. is about understanding yourself, your temperament, your tendencies and preferences, your physical state. This allows you to perceive more precisely what situations might require your attention. It helps you to shape your life, relationships and work in accord with your own nature. You will also better appreciate how you impact on others. takes precedence over . However, these two are interdependent because who you are often affects the nature of your situations, and situations impact on you. To strengthen yourself, you must- All combinations of activated review, see patterns, draw implications and recognize an affinity with a standard model of group development. have now been considered. So we are ready to
Originally posted: 31-Jan-2013