Use «Right» to Stay on Track
The right for you. So it is not surprising that what unites all is a search for «right». However, it should come as no surprise that «right» is expressed somewhat differently according to the quadrant in which the lies.
specifies the « » that you sense isInner Tensions & Transcendence of Reality
Engagement with reality is the source of an inner tension intrinsic to the human condition. The more distant and partial our engagement, the lesser the tension. When we are asleep, tension becomes minimal.More
From the paradox of transcendence, it is evident that this inner experiential tension increases the more we rise above current reality to envisage something else, while determinedly remaining effectively engaged. Transcendence is therefore intrinsically disturbing and disruptive: it wakes us up, shaking us out of ruts and comfort-zones.
Identification (for Immersion ) and Concentration (for Equilibrium ) can be used either to increase or decrease this inner tension.
«Right» as a Calibrator of Tension

The difference between the left and right halves of the TET is about the degree of current reality transcendence, and hence about the tension generated by simultaneous engagement with reality.
The TET— —are high on transcending current reality (X-axis). So pursuit of these generates and increases inner tensions. The transcending efforts are internal (e.g. altering beliefs, assumptions, attitudes &c.) and bump up against external constraints. effects potentially lead to emotional clashes around the need for change: practical, technological, paradigmatic, social or moral. Individuals on these may wisely keep their thoughts and efforts private, but they still tend to be viewed as distinctive or unusual within the community.
in the right half of theThe TET— —are low on transcending current reality (X-axis). So pursuit of these accepts the status quo more or less, produces social comfort and reduces inner tensions. efforts are oriented to finding external opportunities, and bump up against internal constraints (e.g. preferences, comfort, beliefs &c). Clashes with others are kept to a minimum, and individuals on these generate conceptions of what is normal in a community.
in the left half of theSee the two TET graphics with further explanations of effects below.Click to see Findings in a Table
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Tension States & Effects
For «Entangled Activities»

The entanglement». The challenge, the commitment and the efforts are generated within the person. However, all activities are constrained by features of the outer world and these need to be handled effectively. Bringing something into existence usually demands adaptation by others, leading to conflict—part of the personal disruption. The intrinsic intensity and disruption is not comfortable, but you can get used to it.
is tension-generating because it involves finding a challenge and deliberately commits to produce something new. operates within and on the two interacting worlds, empirical and psychosocial, causing alterations while simultaneously participating: this is «The person on a right». An observer may wonder why any change is needed, or may see the work as being irredeemably awful. Ensuring the quality of «Rightness» is not perfectionism but an expression of something deeper. When achieved, the inner tension relaxes: until some new circumstance or opportunity regenerates it.
(anywhere in the ellipse) experiences an inner disquiet and discomfort if the result produced is not «
See a detailed account of the creativity framework in the Satellite.
For «Knowing Clearly»

The quadrant with
is tension-generating. To confront oneself &/or enter the spiritual realm, as needed for these , takes much effort and the process can be uncomfortable and disturbing. The ego/self must be mastered and inner energies must be focused and intensely concentrated.Mysteries and illusions soothe people but keep them in ignorance. External constraints affect which illusions can and should be removed. In both right thinking» occurs, there is a sense of joy and relief. However, communicating what is now known clearly is, to a greater or lesser degree, socially disruptive.
, when a transition to «For «Discretionary Interactions»

This quadrant, containing discretionary» label. Following inner views and ethical values ensures personal comfort, so these inner experiences act as constraints.
, reduces tensions. Efforts are directed externally, but they are selected (or rejected) according to inner criteria—hence the «In a righteous people doing the right thing for those in danger. In the , once you are inside a chosen institution, the outer world is of less significance. Wider society is grateful that there are people who can be counted on to fulfil duties to the letter. Such people are righteous in style: especially if it is a religious institution.
, others are typically relieved that there still are
For «Feeling Good»

The quadrant containing
is directly oriented to reducing tensions. Both ideals and pleasures are chosen from what is offered and supported by wider society. The demand efforts to be made in the social environment. However, choosing well requires attention to be inner-directed, because constraints arise from personal values and preferences.«Feeling good» means that everything «feels right» inside. Within your psychosocial world you therefore feel calm, comfortable, free and in tune with your self. When you don't feel good, then you don't feel right inside ( ) or you feel badly about something ( ). As a result, you know something must be wrong. You «feel right» again as soon as you notice that what you have done leads to «feeling good».
In the case of feeling right» involves an experience of remorse, guilt or shame i.e. feeling bad. The natural response would be to do what feels right in order to «feel good» once again.
, it is also possible that «
It is impossible to leave this page without noticing the use of «right» in Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path as the way to end suffering. All items are in the knowing clearly quadrant, with most relating to as might have been expected.
Right Understanding—Perceiving reality, because it is not as it appears superficially to be.
Right Intention/Thinking—Especially freedom, renunciation, peace, harmlessness (i.e. selected
Right Speech—Speaking in a truthful and non-hurtful way: avoiding lying, slander, gossip.
Right Action—Acting in a non-harmful way.
Right Livelihood—Making a living that does not cause harm to others.
Right Effort—Self-improvement, supporting good, eliminating evil impurities.
Right Mindfulness—Being aware of oneself at all times.
and perhaps .
Right Concentration—Using meditation and contemplation to be able to focus on a single object (= purity of heart is to will one thing) so as to produce inner calm and the tranquility needed for enlightenment.
Originally posted: 27-Jul-2012.