Review Establishment of a School

Recap of the Inquiry so Far

Origin: Groups in this Q5-Arena emerge around one founder (or a few founders independently) experiencing a profound and illuminating realization that is captured in a doctrine or Teaching.

Validation of a doctrine was examined, especially distinguishing knowledge intrinsic to a doctrine from knowledge from conventional scientific research.

Next: The levels/types of work characteristic of doctrinal development and School formation were identified. These types were seen as ways to promulgate the doctrine.

Then: These ways were plotted on a TET as modes in terms of their attention to social acceptance of the doctrine and the requirement for committed advocacy. The usual TET features, like diagonal and quadrant properties, could be identified providing some structural corroboration of the formulations.

• One LL-UR diagonal set enabled social engagement with increasing transparency with quadrants moving from Confidential (LL) to Political (UR).

• The LR-UL diagonal set enabled impersonal accounts with increasing complexity with quadrants moving from Personal (LR) to Official (UL).

Finally: The most difficult thing for a doctrine is to become established and accepted as a contribution to society and its culture. The Spiral trajectory focused on the necessary steps for establishment as shown below. Examples revealed that many doctrines do not develop through all 7 Stages.

Spiral trajectory of stages in the establishment of a school of philosophy.


Summary of the Establishment Process

Realization of fundamentals implicit in an area of living triggers and urge to spread those ideas. However, persuading others of a new doctrine is usually difficult due to existing ideas, idiosyncratic biases, distractions of self-interest, and simple apathy and indifference.

Cycle-1 allows for doctrine introduction and social recognition so as to gain adherents. This involves mentoring willing individuals , then social dissemination, and finally institution of a membership body for adherents.

Then Cycle-2 enables school development with societal permeation so as to ensure long-term persistence. This involves recognizing guardians of the orthodoxy, then revising the doctrine with refinements, extensions and improvements, and finally generalizing and applying the doctrine to create social benefits.

Specific needs that lead to each progressive move are shown on the diagram. In general, these drivers are enhanced by:

  • the benefits inherent in the next Stage.
  • aspirations of individual adherents
  • social pressures experienced by adherents
  • limitations of each Stage in regard to desires to develop the school and perpetuate the doctrine.

Completion of the Spiral of School Establishment does not mean that the doctrine is complete and final:

  • Practical doctrines, like political "isms", need to be extended in their application or be further understood as to their origins.
  • Eternal doctrines, like religions claim theirs to be, require adaptation to evolving times so as to retain their appeal.
  • Systematising doctrines, like this taxonomy, need to continue the process of investigation and activate conventional scientific research.


  • Like any group, the vibrancy and permanence of a School is dependent on the cohesion of its member-adherents. See an analysis here.
  • Examine science as an example of the establishment of a doctrine.
  • Review the oscillation pattern.

OR move to the next section:

Originally posted: 7-Sep-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2024.