Stage-2: Provide Personalized Mentoring

Accepting Social Blocks

Any illumination that is truly new and different will never be fully or easily grasped in its details and implications. After all, it took the originator so much time, concentration and effort, and there is still so much to learn. Meanwhile wider society is indifferent, rejecting, sceptical or at best keeping its distance. So a great deal of courage may be required of early followers.

Writing and lecturing on the doctrine leads the originator(s) to meet a variety of people who are interested, and some will even be intrigued or captured by charisma. However, most people are dismissive and uninterested. There is no financial benefit and, especially in the case of academics, reputation may be harmed.

Still a few curious people seeking to share the illumination and gain a clearer understanding may gather around the originator and form a small band of early followers and potential adherents.

Following the originator, soon referred to as the «founder», is an energizing experience. This is because any powerful articulation of ideas that touch on human existence or social life tends to invigorate and inspire. A founder who is charismatic offers enlightenment and is typically pleased to form an inner circle and receive slavish admiration. Even so, having discussions one-on-one and in small working groups or seminars helps develop the ideas and find applications.

Stage-2 personalized mentoring is needed to develop more fellow believers.

ExampleClosedStratified Systems Theory

As understanding and excitement grows, this inner circle develops an urge to spread the word. They realize that emotional forces need to be brought to bear to forward the ideas, and this depends on personalized engagement.

Overcoming Personal Blocks

The founder and fellow adherents soon realize from their own experience that anything in the human realm that is truly fundamental shapes personal identity. That means the ideas cannot be accessed or adopted automatically and easily by others just by reading. Even willing individuals who actively and deliberately seek to be initiated into the fundamental realization have a hard time.

Any outsider or newcomer naturally experiences urges to make the novel doctrine more comfortable, more adapted to their personal habitual ways of thinking, and more conforming to cultural biases. The founder must counter and overcome these tendencies. He realizes that progress is not a matter of “winning” or "making" converts. The task is to educate and develop willing participants as human beings so that they naturally become fellow believers.

ExampleClosedOrigins of Christianity

Early adherents know from their own experience that the desired awareness requires a degree of personal development with all the accompanying emotional issues and need for support. This leads them to offer personal guidance or mentoring to willing others to spread the word effectively and without distortion.

The mentoring process often results in additional or unusual examples being presented to the founder's inner circle for clarification and explanation in terms of the original illumination. The flexibility of thought that enabled the breakthrough typically continues resulting in clarifications, extensions, and adjustments for the nascent doctrine.

Possible Outcomes

Established Roles

Various terms are in use for the roles that result in this Stage: adherents become adepts or teachers or mentors or gurus or guides. The applicants become students or candidates or acolytes or novices or disciples or initiates. The terms in use for the process vary according to the nature of the realization.

A major factor in the spread of mentoring will be the social relevance of the realization. Is it something that makes an immediate difference in social life? Can the knowledge be monetized as a service? Are there social roles and employment opportunities? While the founder typically sees the widest possible use, access to diverse social situations to prove the value of a new doctrine is not easy.

Stay at Stage-2

If insufficient numbers of individuals come forward for mentoring, then the ideas in the illumination will not spread and, indeed, may never develop further. However, a committed originator can continue to extend realizations and may press on with just a tiny band of followers.

Some accounts of fundamental truths serve as the basis for a movement, despite the doctrine itself never properly taking off.

Example: ClosedAestheticism

Schools of thought that remain at this level can produce additional accounts that gradually extend and develop the doctrine. This is more likely with abstruse doctrines.

Example: ClosedFrankfurt School

Transition to Stage-3

Once the realization is genuinely achieved, any adherent feels an ownership of the ideas and an ability to pass them on to others. If the doctrine is personal or directly applicable, the number of adherents is likely to steadily grow as the first generation who are effectively mentored go on themselves to mentor others.

As the initial adherents band together in some fashion and gain confidence, they naturally desire to attract more colleagues, gain more attention and become better understood and respected in their social milieu. But spreading the word to wider society requires a different approach to anything attempted to date.

So the next step is:

Originally posted: 7-Sep-2022. Last updated: 20-Mar-2023.