Imperatives of an Economic Focus
The TET Framework, we can then consider some imperatives for government .
allows us to consider a government interacting with the economic activities of its citizens. Using the adjustedThe New Frame of Reference
We now move from focusing on a person interacting so as to generally benefit in social life i.e. a person-society focus, to a government interacting with the population in regard to economic activity i.e. a government-economic activity focus.
The essence of the approaches remains unchanged, the axes needs re-labelling to reflect the new perspective as above.

Societal Development: Y-Axis.
Contribution to Economic Activities of Individuals: X-Axis.
Government Imperatives
One diagonal has a direct focus on productivity. It contains the
mode, which is the source of all wealth-creating drives.Governments cannot create wealth. So, if society is to be prosperous, governments must allow wealth creation by individuals.
The TET diagram and boxes below suggest the necessary imperatives.

deals directly with economic issues.
Wealth Creation
viewpoint, the minimal focus is to generally and to desire that everyone should work. This entails affirming the importance of ●enterprise, ●the business sector, ●private sector employment, ●investment, ●trade. The maximal focus is to and encourage entrepreneurial activities of all sorts via ●capital markets, ●innovation, ●new technology, ●new markets.
viewpoint, governments must believe in commercial principles in a way that suits their society. The fundamental economic requirement is promotion of (more or less as conceived by Adam Smith) but adapted appropriately to the culture to ensure acceptability.
viewpoint, governments must collect and release relevant society-wide information to permit of economic performance, and the social impacts of events and policies of all sorts. 
deals with the context of economic activity.
Next step: what governments can do.
Originally posted: Q3-2009