Patterns in the Spiral

Similarities in the Cycles

Movements in relation to the axes in the two cycles show similarities.

The initial transition in each Cycle, μ1 μ2 and μ1 μ5, is back along the X-axis towards greater acceptance of current reality. This is associated with greater attention to personal needs and more self-care.

The next transition in each Cycle, μ2 μ3 and μ5 μ6, is up the U-axis towards more transcendence of ego/self. This is associated with more attention to social needs and more care for others.

The four types of transition in the two cycles of the spiral trajectory for strengthening coping.

The third transition in each Cycle, μ3 μ4 and μ6 μ7, is forward along the X-axis towards greater transcendence of current reality. This is difficult and requires positive willingness and inner strength.

The final transition in each Cycle is down the Y-axis back to μ1, and this is something that is easy and natural.

Intersecting Diamonds

The Primal Quests revealed a specific oscillating duality:  

  • ODD-numbered:  self-centric and discovered

  • EVEN-numbered:  socio-centric and developed

Spirals appear to have a standard oscillation duality:

  • ODD-numbered:  to be accepted and needing adaptation

  • EVEN-numbered:  to be determined and needing initiative.

This appears to apply to the Coping Spiral as shown in the diagram below:

Two intersecting diamondsof adaptation and regulation in the spiral trajectory for strengthening coping.

Originally posted: 29-Sep-2024.