Re-enter Mode-1: Work Smarter
Transforming Work

With incorporation of Work Smart», rather than «Work Hard». Working can be smart because it not only taps into your values ( ), and takes advantage of good relationships with others ( ), but it is realistic about what is possible in the circumstances ( ).
values, work can be handled much more sensibly. We can say «This brings Cycle-1 to an end. Entanglement with reality has been mastered in a constructive way. Day-to-day coping is not an issue. Circumstances may be very hard at times, but endurance based on adaptation, learning, respect and acceptance should carry us through.
Other features of the surviving but is well on the way to enable .
are also subtley altered. is no longer just aboutRather than simply earning a living, there is the possibility of creating a safety net; and rather than simply using given advantages, it is now possible to actively develop advantages.
In terms of the milieu, risks can be better assessed and handled; a positive outlook is buttressed socially and psychologically; and personal character has been strengthened authentically.
Moving to Cycle-2
The challenge that we are faced with at this point is how to maintain this state of effective functioning. It is not easy because the very effort to cope so far is itself stressful and that stress can build up into something serious.
Cycle-2 appears to be about actively handling this often silent build-up of internal stress that invariably develops even when coping well. Such stress is commonly somatized—appearing as headaches, dyspepsia, backache, fatigue—and may not even be attributed to work.
The first step is realizing we need to recuperate periodically. That means ensuring a periodical escape from the work situation so as to enable a natural and spontaneous inner healing process. In other words, R&R: rest and recreation. Guidance here comes from values of the
.Ruling out Alternative Moves
Moving to
might help but it potentially generates additional stress when it runs counter to creative urges. does not appear to offer the necessary escape at the physical and emotional level .Moving on…
- Continue to Stage 5: Pleasure Mode.
Originally posted: 28-Mar-2023.