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Works best when:
Drive for action:
Immediately applicable if:
Involvement of others:
Unique strengths:
Intrinsic dangers:
Less appropriate if:

The strategist is an independent personality capable of reflective inquiry and an integrative vision. As a leader, they can bring about transformation of an organization.
The strategist can encompass complexity, appreciate which factors are key, handle the interdependence and interactions of roles and activities in organizations, and recognize psychosocial factors. The result is to maximize impact and change the organization in accordance with the evolution of the industry and society.
Sometimes systems scientists are employed to assist leaders by supporting computer modeling and simulation.
Those consultants who are involve people and integrate experts and their knowledge. They help develop future scenarios that balance a network of goals, modeling the present and future situation and developing efficient and effective interventions.

The difficulty with models in large organizations is that they are not understood by the people who are expected to use them.
More commonly, they omit crucial factors of personal meaning and experience, or do not give enough attention to the least powerful.
Other criticisms focus on the relative lack of concern for issues of ●certainty, ●information, ●expedience, and ●group power.
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Originally posted: 3-Apr-2011.