Get Oriented to the Taxonomy
Re-set Your Awareness

The Taxonomy of Human Elements in Endeavour (THEE) is also a taxonomy of elements in consciousness under the pressure of self-awareness. So think of it as a Taxonomy of Consciousness for Endeavour orTaxonomy of Endeavour Elements in Awareness.
The essential discovery is that there is a dynamic structure of distinct and definable elements in what we commonly take to be intangible, fluid and multi-faceted: inner experience, inter-personal interaction, social situations and social institutions.
It seems that, whether we are aware of it or not, we all operate through and with this structure. That is to say: «we structure the world using the structure that structures us».
The world referred to here is our «psychosocial world», which is:
• a world of endeavour, personal and social.
• a world we create, can know well and call our own.
The psychosocial world is natural, but it is nothing like the physical world studied by natural scientists. Still, once its reality is faced and a model of this world is accepted as valid, then scientific explanations of that model (i.e. why it has the features that it has) can be developed and tested. This should lead to a deeper understanding of human evolution and brain function.
You can visit Explore > TOP Studio to follow the progress of these investigations.
THEE makes sense of the world of endeavour, providing frameworks that we can use for our own benefit. This website aims progressively to post the Taxonomy on the internet for free availability and wider scientific study. Anyone who is seriously interested can contribute to its development and applications.

THEE is like software, but for the-mind-while-doing-one's-best.
The formal taxonomic architecture is equivalent to an operating system that both enables and constrains the building of applications. Most users notice the OS but take its operation for granted and are nervous about any upgrade. The same applies to THEE.
Each major framework in THEE is equivalent to an application: their power makes them killer-apps. Each entity within a framework is a natural tool. Such a taxonomic tool modifies other entities, much like one menu item may modify what you do with other menu items in the app.
No software application provides you with content: you use it so you can create content intuitively and easily. In exactly the same way, THEEframeworks do not give you an answer. They give you a flexible and functional way to provide your own judgements, good sense, intuitions and decisions. They lend themselves to further specialized development for practical use.
Acceptance of any new software technology is never straightforward. Even if a new computer application is helpful, most resist mastering it unless its necessity is blatantly evident. Yet once we do accept and use an app, we often wonder how we ever managed without it.
Other similarities also apply:
- You are responsible for your use.
- You do not want to be the first user.
- You expect support and upgrades.
Next Steps
Get comfortable by reading within this More Orientation section:
- Try exploring some analogies.
- See what is distinctive about this taxonomy.
- Distinguish a model from a theory.
- Recognize that we create (psychosocial) reality.
- Look at identity implications.
Then move to these more complex sections:
Originally posted: July 2009; Last amended: 14-Jan-2014