
Leadership? Three cheers for being a mensch!

Warren Kinston 13. February 2012 17:11

Leadership and Followers

Google «Leadership» and you get over 500 million hits.  Google «Followership», you get under 500 thousand.  That is a thousand times more articles on leading than on following.  What's more, many of those hits on following are actually about leadership.  On my Twitter feed, I am bombarded by links to advice on being a leader and I have yet to get a single link to help with being a follower.

What is going on here?  Is the ratio in real life a thousand leaders for every single follower?  Or is it the reverse?  All the effort going into being a wonderful leader is rather pointless if you don't have a few followers.  One thousandth of one follower doesn't do much for the ego.  Is leading worth the effort?

What do we make of all this?  More...


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21st Century Enlightenment

How to Release Frameworks for the Best User Experience

Warren Kinston 10. February 2012 16:48

One of my continuing dilemmas is when to post material and how much at any one time.

I have been unhappy to post frameworks until I feel that they are correct and reasonably complete. This means that by the time I am scientifically satisfied that there is sufficient internal structural validation and that both the primary framework and its derived frameworks are mostly correct - well, by this time there is one hell of a lot of material.

So my question is: would people prefer me to post More...


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Website Development

What’s in a Name? Help Wanted.

Warren Kinston 8. February 2012 10:52

I am currently struggling to get a phrase right.  Well, not exactly a phrase—a name.

Can you help me?  I hope so.  Let me put you in the picture.

The heart of the Taxonomy is identifying something and then giving it a really good name, so that everyone can immediately recognize what is being referred to.  The goals are: precision (i.e. exactness), resonance (i.e. generates the right vibes) and differentiation (i.e. discriminates from related, similar things).  Of course, in the process of identifying anything, I have to use words to describe what I am focusing on.  These are usually imperfect names, More...


Identity, identity, identity!

Warren Kinston 4. February 2012 16:59

identity - who am I?

I am who I am.  But who am I?  And the same applies to everyone.  Identity means being the same.  But social life is about everyone being different.  We do grow, but in many ways we stay the same as we grow.  That is why we feel we can be ourselves and are stressed if a situation seems to make that unsafe.

THEE has a particular take on identity.  It could be viewed as an identity-specifying taxonomy. Overall, it is about our identity as human beings.  But in every part of it, we find that there are sharply different ways of being human. Inquiring, prospering, deciding, communicating—all these everyday activities and more have an identity stamp.

As a result, we want to do something More...


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Social Interaction

Compression is wonderful—welcome to AGI: Artificial General Intelligence

Warren Kinston 2. February 2012 16:41

AGI Compression

THEE is its own compact world.  Many webpages in TOP are equivalent to a book.  Sometimes a paragraph, occasionally even a sentence or two, summarize a whole textbook containing elaborate explanations and vast amounts of evidence.  But, for me, a sentence or two is all that is required because the matter is so simple and so obvious—and so important.  So very important and, as it is a sentence, so memorable.

The compression of knowledge in THEE is enormous.  For those used to scanning—which I am told is the whole Millennial generation—TOP webpages must be the essence of frustration.  Perhaps the solution, for them, is to More...


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About the Author

Warren Kinston is the creator of the THEE-Online website as an open forum for the further discovery and development of THEE. He writes this blog as an escape valve for the excitement and frustrations of the work. More info here.

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