Q-expansion Structures
Q-Hierarchies, are derived from a Q-expansion of a Principal Typology. It is the most captivating and complex form within THEE. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Q-Hierarchies have been surprisingly obscure and difficult to discover and formulate. While hierarchies are not new in the literature, the Q-pattern has never been described before (to my knowledge).
It is now believed that Q-structures define Arenas through which each Domain facilitates the functioning of other Domains. See more in the Architecture Room. Levels in Arenas are not simple elements but characteristic systems of processes.
Step 1:
Apply a Style Hierarchy (formerly called a Modal Hierarchy) to convert a 7-level Principal Typology to a 28-level hierarchy of Types. The Style Hierarchy is a set of 4 hierarchically ordered Styles relevant to operating each Type in the Principal Typology.
It is virtually certain that some generic pattern underlies the levels in the Style Hierarchy. But it helps investigation to identify a distinctive Style Hierarchy for each Typology. Several have been provisionally identified and the similarities between them are marked.

, the style levels are currently formulated:α: Generating
β: Shaping
γ: Challenging
δ: Resolving
Converting each Type into 4 Subsidiary Types (syn.Sub-Types, Styles) generates a 28-level structure of Types. Each is an entity that is psychosocially recognizable and can be specifically named.
Example: can operate in the following styles:
: —challenging decisions
: —shaping decisions
: —generating decisions
Step 2:
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Form a set of Q-arenas by taking all 4 Levels of one Type together with the lower 3 Levels of the next higher Type. The arrangement is cyclic. So the 7th combination requires 4 Levels from Type 7 to combine with the lower 3 Levels from Type 1. As a result, of a lower Q-Hierarchy becomes respectively of the next higher Q-Hierarchy.
The result is:
- Subsidiary Typology of 7 Types/Levels.
Q-Spiral—a growth trajectory that follows the Subsidiary Typology order.
:Note: No re-ordering, as required when Principal Typologies generate Spirals.
- Q-Hierarchy—the 7-level holistic hierarchy. :
- Q-Structural Hierarchy. :
- dynamic dualities to form Trees. : Application of
49 Q-Hierarchies (and equal numbers of the associated forms) arise within the Primary Domains, so there are only 7 of them.
Levels in Q-Hierarchies appear to possess identity-defining qualities for a person, likely based on their origin in Typologies. Rather than being elements of functioning, they map powerful and complex processes that channel many aspects of social functioning. During 2021-2022, it become clear why this is so. See current investigations in the Architecture Room.
- The Framework for - sits within a Q-expansion of the .
- The Q-complex, with the formula: . It is found within the Work in Organisations Satellite. Discovery was enabled by the pioneering work of Elliott Jaques. in conventional organizations is an extensively developed and applied
State of Development of PH'5-Q2:
Originallyposted : August 2009; Last updated 22-Feb-2022.