Background Reading

Although this section sits within the Communication Domain, its subject matter deals with handling and altering values and beliefs that belong in the Purpose Domain. Some readers might therefore wish to do some preliminary familiarization with these aspects of psycho-social functioning.

Social Life is about Purpose

Fundamental structures constituting the Purpose Domain.

Social change is about the alteration of values that determine goals and actions in society: it therefore lies predominantly within the Purpose Domain (RL6/PH6).

The Realization of Values (PsH6) framework provides an account of what is involved and includes The Citizenry and The Government at PsH6G6. This structure arises from the Worthwhile Projects (PH6K) Tree and generates the Community Evolution (PsH6K) Tree. Click thumbnails to see.

Details of the centres and influences that requisitely generate community evolution.

These PH6 frameworks offer a high level abstract account of the elements of natural social change. Such fundamentals are controlled by the Politics complex that emerges from the ethical choice typology (PH'6) and its Spiral. Societal change is stabilized and shaped by the PH'6 ethical controls.

Looking more closely, there are potentially 3 different approaches to societal change:

    1. Work within the politics domain to affect government: the most concrete focus.

See the Politics SatellitePolitical Choice, Political Life, Political Legitimacy.

    2. Target the relevant societal institution: a larger sectional focus.

As described in this Satellite.

    3. Alter cultural values and ethical controls: the broadest possible focus.

This requires a social movement (PsH6G53).

Relevant Satellites

Purpose and Value (RL6/PH6)

The Primary Domain of Purpose, which includes 5 forms of Value (PH6L3–L7), is an enormous subject which has been extensively investigated taxonomically. It is not possible or sensible to review or repeat findings and analyses here. However, that research revealed many confusions, misunderstandings and omissions in conventional academic texts.

Background Reading:

Chapter 4: Exploring Value

Chapter 5: Handling Natural Social Groups

Chapters 10 & 12:  Realizing Values

Political Development (PH'6C Complex)

Societal institutions cannot exist when society is still operating with the political values of Stage-1 privileged pluralism. Society needs to have matured politically to reach the Stage-4 rationalist mode which actively seeks to address social problems generated by Stage-3 individualist values through the use of reason and evidence. At this point, Mode-1 pluralism becomes plutocratic, so the effect of money in distorting choices is significant. Cycle 2 in political maturation is an expression of RL7-Willingness, which is an enabling force for civic involvement.

Background Reading:

Political Maturation

Policy Making and Political Choice

Political Life in Society

Having explained that societal institutions are a specific type of association, and located it in the Taxonomy, we can plunge in.

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Originally posted: 14-Nov-2022. Last amended: 30-Apr-2023.