Get Oriented to Work in Organizations
Societies can only become sophisticated through joint work involving large numbers of people working creatively.
Even relatively small projects are beyond the effort of any single person, and large projects cannot be carried out by a small band. Complex efforts require carefully combined specialized contributions from many people with diverse interests and capabilities. That requires organisation.
But no achievement exists in a vacuum: the social environment itself requires organisation. Then there is also a need to ensure that many persons can be responsible: which means providing for their maturation, education and non-interference. One way or another, it all has to be done. How it is done is another matter. But it is all work dependent on, and yet beyond the power of, single individuals.
To look at this big picture, we will be covering:
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The focus here is about
i.e. the context of decision and action, and not about (the content).
You already know that work is important and necessary to thrive as a person.
But you may not be fully aware that you have a
largely independent of your skills, expertise, knowledge, emotional intelligence or even IQ as measured. Using this properly contributes mightily to your well-being.Your
develops through your life. By appreciating the trajectory that you are on, you can see where you are and where you may one day reach.And then there is something else: the
in society within which you feel most natural. Opportunities here have expanded massively over the past century but there is a bottom-line in all work that is economic.As it turns out, economics is not the be-all and end-all. There are other bottom lines to be considered.

Are they problematic? Yes they are!
The reason is simple: we humans have not evolved to work in large impersonal organizations or in large cities and societies. So our instincts and intuition do not reliably guide their design and management. (But that does not mean instincts and intuition are unimportant.)
Organizational and communal processes, being nothing but human activity and relationships, are subject to the demons of power and egotism. These interfere with success. THEEFrameworks take such phenomena into account without expecting unrealistic self-restraint or impeccable virtue.
If you look out for what is explained here, then you can pilot your life and avoid the rockier reefs that bedevil careers. If you are in a top position, then you can certainly make a better world happen for your people and improve your organization and community.

is about a to some lesser or greater extent.
To alter reality we must perceive reality, think about reality, engage with reality, and test reality, so as to learn. Above all, we must handle other people who have entirely different views about reality and what is realistic i.e. important, relevant, possible, desired, feasible, viable &c.
While it is easy to say that all work depends on dealing directly with reality, there is a big problem in practice. We do not know reality. No-one does.
enables us to make sense of reality in social terms, based on what we experience and come to know. The way we «make sense» affects how we think, relate and act. So we construct a reality via our . This is hardly a scientific construction, but it has to be good enough. It has to be or you give up—or you are fired for failing. You then feel compelled to find different work where your construction of reality is good enough for you to succeed.This means that examine its essence.
(as ) can only be understood through the as explained when weHowever,
(i.e. working, managing) places a much greater strain on us than simply to or express ourselves.
There are vast differences in work required by a great society. In each of society's main
, organisation and management look very different.The usual mental association with «different» work is to compare engineers to nurses to salesmen; or retailing to mining to construction. When we think of More
There are seven different
within which people work and where distinctive hierarchical forms of organisation and management are required.The Frameworks to follow will therefore:
► examine the nature of these arenas;
► show how these arenas interact;
► clarify different requisite organisational forms;
► identify the nature of work and capabilities required;
► consider how to manage those people accordingly.

- The Nature of Work.
Arenas of Responsibility within a Complex Society.
How Work in Each Arena is Organised.
There will be several Frameworks in each arena: types of work, handling progressive complexity, organising management &c.
The most studied arena is that of formal organizations, organised on an economic basis and oriented to producing tangible goods and services.
Although the Frameworks will be formulated precisely, they do not offer recipes. Almost nothing is more complicated than organising work-responsibility requisitely. So the Framework must be applied intelligently with careful analysis of particular work situations.
More Orientation
- Common misconceptions about organisation and management.
Background to this inquiry, and the relevance of Elliott Jaques.
THEE Path: from the , the Root Cell, to the Q-hierarchies.
- Start with the essence of work.
Originally posted: 11-Oct-2013