Political Tiers & Services for Citizens
Distinguish Needs from Services
No tier of government «owns» a communal need. Governments at all tiers will always be concerned with communal needs. However, handling services to meet those needs is an entirely separate organizational issue. Read more on social v service territories.
It is essential to distinguish:
responsibility for communal needs
- responsibility for services to meet those needs

This THEE framework is hierarchical, with higher Level territories including and encompassing those at lower Levels. Clashes over provision can occur easily when politicization occurs.
The framework offers a rational solution, in that any communal need will naturally be met differently at each tier. In other words, political responsibility necessarily adjusts to the size and socio-political complexity of the territory. Subsidiarity is about getting this devolution of responsibility right.
The differing responsibilities of the political organization at each tier, in respect of a selection of communal needs, is shown in the following Matrix.
Meeting Social Objectives
Objectives in relation to meeting needs, as pursued by each tier of political organization, is further clarified by considering the tiers in pairs.
The higher tier governing entity has a concern for standards and the general form of communal needs/services of its component territories,
the lower tier entity handles specific application and actual provision in its territory.
The higher-tier governing entity delegates or leaves matters to the lower-tier governing entity,
the lower-tier entity makes representations to the higher:
: Ensuring pleasant daily interaction amongst specific individuals.
: Provision of communal facilities and amenities in general.
: Service provision and socialization for citizens.
: Citizenship, economic development and geopolitical security.
: Enabling international exchanges and international activities.
: World harmonization and integration wherever possible/desirable.
- More on distinguishing needs from services, and social territories from service territories.
- Also look at public services.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010