Linking Change and Participation

Stability & Mass Action
participating to produce changes in their society via new public policies that accommodate differences of view.
is about members of a society
People en masse behaving similarly in a spontaneous way without coordination or mobilization, is the most powerful force in society. So both stability and change depend in large part on . This action expresses the legitimacy of the government.
The value we all give to a peaceful, stable social order is associated with our desire to go about life and pursue our interests without thinking too much about politics. However, such stability is simply the counterpoint to change. When change is required, then stability is the challenge.
at dramatic times, like a stock-market mania, it should be primarily associated with stability. Vast numbers of diverse people pursue unique daily activities and yet the myriads of choices and actions all somehow hang together and support each other in a way that is referred to as «normal». e.g. the habit of shopping for things that are not needed, or the epidemic of junk food outlets. We can also note in cultural differences: e.g. people in some societies, like Vietnam, work hard naturally, while fun is the norm in societies like Thailand. These mass preferences, expressed in action, not only shape a society but also provide for stability. is critically important for the evolution of political institutions.Tensions usually Develop
If tensions reach a certain degree within society, urges to take political action emerge in one or more sections of the populace. Their goal becomes to force change.
Will that change emerge from peaceful activity? i.e. will it be political? Or: will tensions release violence?
Renouncing violence requires tolerance and depends on willingness. If the political change is widely desired, then it may occur by alterations in
without organization. Most change, however, needs to be based on specific, explicit, coordinated participation, and that perspective takes us to .
A non-violent society cannot exist without an expectation of social participation by each and all. This is delivered at out of a sense of responsibility, and it leads to a of a sort appropriate to each person.
This level can be considered society’s infrastructure. Much of what is involved here may seem to be peripheral to the big political picture, even wholly apolitical for some, but that is misleading.
absolutely requires a robust functioning society of individuals to provide the necessary order, wealth and power for progressive change.

Given an infrastructure of commitment to society, no change will occur unless Participation now turns into a demand that requires far more personal and public effort. Here we distinguish the in society from the rest of us. Any significant power-play is liable to push a person into the media spotlight, as well as providing a portal to the temptation to abuse power.
is done.Most public interest. Each player often develops a more limited and potentially divisive focus.
accumulate and use personal power for the purposes of their own group. Some seek to remedy a failing in a and seek to serve the
The significance of politics within society becomes evident at the next level with forces a choice on whether to participate publicly. Mostly the is focused on areas of group power and commonalities of personal interest or discontent. However, at times like elections, everyone should be encouraged to rise to the challenge. When tensions run high, physical aspects of mobilizing, like rallies or marches, discharge tensions and encourage physical action.
Given mobilization, change. Participation here is about suggesting possible policy ideas that are believed (if implemented) to signify change in a desired direction. In generating proposals, participation shrinks to a special few.
lie on the borderland withActually the few are many, but the many are still few in comparison to those who may be affected.
and their debate span society: including government, industry, academia, the law, concerned individuals and the media.At this point, a focus on the people and their participation shifts abruptly to a focus on change. Sources of power in society come into play, interacting with the higher levels of participation as they shape change.

expectation: but now it relates to social change. Whatever the issue under consideration, the public expects to be delivered by the various and the often arcane processes of the . Public trust and respect for politicians, governance and any constitution would seem to be required.
is the lowest level of the change-set, and is like in being aboutAlthough we each want changes that we personally approve of, no person participates at this level. Even the leaders are less «persons» in the ordinary sense, and more «creations of the people» i.e. role-receptacles for popular projected fantasies.

Society must change to manage failings in societal institutions which result from the social forces liberated by technology, demography, inequalities and injustices, environmental needs and global factors. Although the forces are social, the source of power in politics comes from widespread emotions and experiences. At the power of the entire populace becomes significant: given the name , which demands change. (Even conservatives recognize that if society is to stay the same, then many things have to change!)
It seems that everyone contributes to this force-field, but no individual exists uniquely and idiosyncratically within it, other than as its creature.

Demands for change at take us up to , where we find , the condition that enables stability and the possibility of peace, order and prosperity in society. The that produces stability provides the context for change. Even if there is no mass movement for change, people experience a right and duty to seek change amidst tensions and injustices generated by the diversity of interests and the failings of societal institutions.
If unity within a social territory is not desired, participation might sensibly lead to formal division of the community. The political context will then have changed, but not the political challenge to seek change while maintaining unity in each of the two new territories. To reiterate: there is no escape from
Change v Participation forms the internal duality when Groupings of the structural hierarchy of political activities are treated as Levels. As indicated in the diagram, it is evident that …
Levels/Groupings 1 to 4 deal with popular participation, &
Levels/Groupings 5 to 7 deal with drivers of change.
7 LevelTHEEhierarchy, uses participation to investigate and articulate possibilities for change.
, the heart of anyAlthough progress from participation to change has been explained in a step-by-step fashion, there was no focus on how the Centres (as core phenomena of ) are themselves linked.
- The next step in understanding the determinants of legitimacy in governing and the handling of is to clarify what links people and society.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Oct-2023