Arenas of Societal Commitment
Society accommodates Diversity
The 7 arenas of societal commitment (and hence political commitment or responsibility) encompass a great diversity of activities and organizations.
Finding arenas where commitment is natural and feels appropriate generates a readiness to accept responsibility (within limits). You may wish to give freely of your time and even your money; or, if you are more socially or politically inclined, you may seek to make a living within one of the arenas.
Where are most people engaged?
Political Players v the Rest of Us
Arenas, Activities & Careers
Gp (L) |
Arena for Commitment |
Example Social Activities |
Career Politicians |
7 | Participate in community events; keep abreast of news; meet with volunteers and heads of charities; act as a volunteer; visit citizen-advice centres; talk with relevant experts. |
Idealistic politicians often get their start working in community service organizations. They think: “Politics is about improving people’s lives.” |
6 | Attend meetings about moral issues; read widely; write up tales of injustice and wickedness; join debates with church representatives and politicians; set an example. |
All politicians have to position themselves securely on moral issues. Ideological politicians may start here thinking: “Politics is about raising public consciousness.” |
5 | Monitor activities and outputs of public interest groups, powerful people and organizations. |
Populist politicians start here in campaigning and advocacy work. Like Cicero, they think: “The welfare of the people is the ultimate law.” |
4 | Read the daily papers; be prepared to re-orient your business; do research, or offer consultancy to capitalize, handle or debunk the issue. | A few enter politics due to being fired up by an issue. Riding a controversial issue can bring any politician into public prominence—which may help or hinder a career. |
3 | Get elected to the unpaid executive of your membership body or of your community association. |
In some countries, politicians are drawn from the business class. Such CEO-types think: "Politics is about making decisions." |
2 | Know the law relevant to your life and work. |
Many politicians have a legal background. | |
1 | Join the organization looking after your financial position and social status, then: pay dues, attend meetings, debate priorities, raise awareness of others, participate in lobbying activities, know the agenda. . |
Many politicians start off as representatives of public interest groups within society or labour organizations. In authoritarian regimes, military and business people often become politicians. |
- Continue to becoming a political player.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 5-July-2014