A Special Focus at Each Grouping

As the various Groupings were investigated and prepared for this website, each seemed to throw up a distinctive psychosocial character.
On reviewing these, it is evident that all the Groups in each Grouping, i.e. each G-Level, targets a particular Level in the , the Root Hierarchy as shown here. See implications for THEE architecture.
Below is a brief review of each Level/Grouping in terms of the proposed special linkage to the Root Hierarchy.
See the picture, and then go for more details to each Grouping.

… and social commitment are specifically expressed via . Responsibility in social life is short-hand for ( ). It is the ( ) of an organization that attracts a person who wants a role in the political arena.
Acceptance within any organization in the political arena will depend on a person’s
and and their accord with its . » is in the
… and the exertion of pressure are specifically dependent on .
The six instruments and roles in political work are all directly about what is said, when it is said, who says it, who it is said to, how it is said, and who else knows about it. A key aspect in politics is making sense of social events. In public communications, political operators are always making an effort to shape how people think about things, or go further and tell people what to think, affirming or rejecting views about what reality is &/or should be.
carefully and deliberately. Pressure is brought to bear by » is in the
… and use of crises are specifically connected with .
All drivers of
demand that people . The people mobilized differ, and what they do is highly varied from doing the simplest thing to organizing and managing a complex strategy. » is in the
… by developing public policy offers no puzzle as to its linkage: it must be .
The name of the Grouping includes the THEE name for . The activity of the different sources to produce their policy recommendations involves using and developing valid knowledge. Various methods for inquiry were examined.
» is in the
… to enable leadership to emerge and pursue solutions for society also offers no puzzle: it is surely .
The task of the various leaders in society is to contain discontent and enable certain
. The difficulties of leadership flow from the mere fact of and its challenge to vested interests, to desires for continuity, and to bureaucratic inertia. Leaders engage in discussions and consultations about a myriad details of , once something is endorsed. The structuring of and the adoption of attempt to both assist and control leaders in regard to . » is in the
… and allocating the Wealth of Society are specifically dependent on .
In considering the notion of «Root Cell of THEE. flows from powerful generated by (of events or plans) together with and other motivations.
», it seems natural to link it to the « » of an individual. However, this « » in everyday life refers to something more limited than , theWealth is central to
: it activates powerful inner states of greed and fear that often over-ride all needs and realities. As develop, people share their feelings and ideas, leading to a group phenomenon of great power, but not necessarily sensible. » is in the
… which give rise to sovereignty are specifically dependent on .
People mostly act in accord with how
they are, and peaceful coexistence is primarily matter of . Also, if there is to be stability and political solutions, violence must be renounced: and that depends on people being . Stubbornly clinging on to a past that is no longer viable, or making unreasonable demands perpetuates turmoil: while being reasonable is a matter of . Given persisting inequalities and discontents, people need patience and hope. » is in the- More on this correspondence with the 7 Primary Hierarchies.
- Chapter 7 of Working with Values discusses the and their relation to a society's .
- Apply this framework to: geopolitics, organizations and moral communities.
The next section of the website considers how
needs to be handled so as to produce peaceful change.This final framework within Tree constructed from this Structural Hierarchy by applying an appropriate dynamic duality.
is aThe investigation commences with an observation of the inter-relation of change and participation in the .
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010. Amended 13-Nov-2023