Polarize Your Handling
In uniformly, or whether to differentiate employees and see each as unique and requiring individualized handling. This is the unavoidable inherent tension (the THEE dynamic duality) generated by the practice of management in an organization.
on behalf of the organization, management must choose whether to relate to the staff as a mass and treat themThis polar duality affects choices of management at each level. Applying the duality to the hierarchy reveals 10 Centres of Choice as shown in the diagram and explained below.
CG1: Set Expectations

CG2: Assign Authority
CG3: Apply Resources
two polar Centres.
to deliver results for the organization has
to deliver results for the organization, management recognizes that the crucial resource is the employees, especially those in management positions and controlling resources.People vary greatly in their management capabilities and in their skills and expertise, as well as in factors like temperament and motivation.
With a focus on the differentiation pole, management needs to . This allows each to perform at their personal best. (Staff members do not need to be aware of the details of work done by others in the way that they need to be aware of the authority of others.)
With a focus on the uniformity pole, management needs to provide a context which for all staff in regard to performing their work. The freedom to exercise discretion and back their own judgements should bring out the best and release everyday creative potential in everyone.
So there are two polar Centres in
● : CG3D
This raises the issue of which pole should be viewed as dominant by the management. The use of autonomy is most constructive if it is being applied to appropriate duties and suitable tasks. The differentiating focus should therefore be dominant in the mind of management. See the picture:
CG4: Report on Employees
balanced. Why?
CG5: Devise Adaptations
There are two polar Centres in so as to offer flexibility to employees.

that provide flexibility, management must recognize the community dimension of an organization, and the different ways that individuals are stressed and cope within it.If management decides that something is unavoidable &/or required for the good of the organization, then it must be followed through. With a focus on the uniformity pole, management will set up standard procedures and provisions to assist. The term « » is used to clarify that this Centre is not about managing work. Standardizing offerings allows for simple efficient delivery, and provides an equality-based fairness of sorts.
However, there is a need to recognize that some employees are particularly inconvenienced or harmed by changes or situations that most other employees find acceptable, or at least tolerable. With a focus on the differentiation pole, management must therefore .
So there are two polar Centres in
● : CG5D
This raises the issue of which pole will be viewed as dominant by the management. Standard offerings are more significant for the organization. In their absence, political complications develop and a battle between management and employee groups may even result. Consideration for any single employee must be assessed within the context of what everybody is getting, not vice versa. So the uniformity pole must dominate. See the picture:
CG6: Adhere to Policies
There are two polar Centres in to which the organization is committed.

Policies (including rules, strategies &c) are the way an organization is committed. By
, the management shows commitment and also ensures the organization shows commitment (e.g. to strategic partners, to suppliers, to regulators, to investors).The uniformity pole is about management from all employees without exception. Serious resistance to policy threatens implementation and can lead to dismissal of staff, even at times the CEO.
In the differentiation pole, management must that specify general responsibilities needed by the organization's policies. Particular individuals are expected to adjust themselves so as to take on such roles.
So there are two polar Centres in
● : CG6D
This raises the issue of which pole should be viewed as dominant by the management. uniformity pole should dominate. See the picture:
CG7: Use Incentives
Having applied the dynamic duality, each Centre is primed to influence and interact with others. A disruptive tension is already blatant: CG3, CG5, and CG6. At these levels, there could be a danger of either either excesses and favoritism or depersonalizing uniformity.
- Now:staff integration by linking polar opposite Centres.
OR - Skip this systematic development of Centres and Channels and continue to the end result and what it shows.
- See the equivalent to this page for employees .
- Go to a comparison of the and frameworks.
Originally posted: 30 Nov-2011