Is the Employee Working?
The primary concern of an organization is that each employee will fulfil their contract to the best of their ability. As to how this will manifest, the management naturally expects that: all the means of achievement will be applied in a determined and deliberate way.
We now know that the means are achievement values. So these are used to see that employees are working seriously. The primary check on such basic expectations falls to «line management». From the CEO down through the executive spine, the questions below should be asked. Because the higher Monads should shape the lower ones, the questions here start at the top: .
CG17: Is the employee's mindset evolving?

Mindsets are perceived through observing social interaction in work, expressed beliefs about the industry and company developments, and attitudes in response to new work demands.
CG16: Are the employee's aspirations alive?
It is usually evident whether employees are working wholeheartedly towards some worthwhile goal of their own that harmonizes with the organizations needs.
CG15: Is the employee using information?
Just ask for knowledge relevant to the remit of the particular employee.
CG14: Is the employee setting directions?
Management should check for clarity of purpose and whether those purposes being pursued are aligned with given priorities, policies and strategies.
CG13: Is the employee gripping issues?
Issues can be complex and difficult to resolve, but management should note whether they are brought explicitly to the attention of relevant others—so developing the possibility of resolution.
CG12: Is the employee being accountable?
How others relate to an employee indicates how that employee is handling their status, authority and duties. A manager's report of incidents and priorities should reveal whether accountability guides their everyday work.
CG11: Is the employee taking action?
Direct observation, simple inquiries and simple indicators are usually sufficient to clarify whether anything is happening.
► Now consider a person's view of what is involved in the various challenges.
Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011