Review Clarification

Reminder of The Human Condition

THEE offers a distinctive view of the human condition. Remember that we abolished «the mind» as a useful concept. Rather than distinguishing the mind and noticing the need to use it from time to time, THEE posits that personal functioning is a continuous process. At any time we are in the midst of multiple endeavours, some very brief in duration others developing over days, weeks, months and even years.

To manage this multiplicity of endeavours and keep functioning balanced, we have methods of personal stabilization. Any society is comprised of unique individuals with their own pattern of endeavours. To keep social life balanced, we have the natural moral institutions which are systems for social stabilization.

The source of destabilization is the threat of change posed by situations we find ourselves in. This is not external to endeavours but intrinsic to them.

We discovered that the practical and immediate pursuit of endeavours is controlled by Change-RL3. In the terms used in this Satellite, this means becoming aware of situations, so as to determine whether or not they call for change—and therefore demand Decision/action-RL1, and possibly Inquiry/knowledge-RL2. See further elaboration here.

It is immediately evident that we are surrounded by «situations» that could require us to adjust a current endeavour or even provoke a new endeavour. We are therefore constantly, and mainly unconsciously, clarifying these situations in terms of their significance. Many situations are too complicated or too ramifying for us to handle and then we defer to authorities of various sorts and seek comfort in a group belief as to what they are about. At all times, we experience—both as individuals and as a group member—pressures of acceptability in relation to explanations and ways forward.

Accepting reality (RsH"G26, a transpersonal mantra that offers strength and self-control, often means accepting the unacceptable. In some situations, denial and even death may seem preferable.

While grasping reality is the aspiration and goal that can never be achieved, progressive clarification can be achieved. Those who seek to penetrate situations to work out what is really going on find themselves embarking on the spiral trajectory described in this section.

NOTE: The account provided is very preliminary. Far more detailed and careful exploration of the clarifying process is required.

Reminder of the Clarifying Stages

Viewing the depiction methods as Types reveals them as incompatible. However, if values are extracted from these Types, then modes can be formed which enable clarification of situations. A spiral pattern emerges in Stages that cumulate the values of each mode. The pattern is shown below:

Spiral trajectory for increasing clarity in regard to a situation.The initial mode-μ1 is Causal and its ready application means that any situation of interest is rapidly given a satisfying and simple explanation. If this is judged insufficient, then multiple stages of development are possible.

Cycle-1 progressively provides a better grasp of what the situation is about and how it is developing: initially by providing a holistic overview (structural-μ2), then by identifying opposing forces (dualistic-μ3), and finally by identifying interactions, feedback, and evolution. The end result is in the Causal-μ1 ellipse as a sufficient explanation.

Cycle 2 links the explanation to the likelihood of it becoming a vehicle for change. This is a matter of personal acceptance and often group acceptance. The first step is personal ownership (atomistic-μ5), then the group's standards are imposed (unitary-μ6), and finally adjustments are made to suit the context (unified-μ7). The end result is again in the Causal-μ1 ellipse as a powerful explanation.

Details of how each mode may be appropriately handled are provided in the Table below.

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Promoting Acceptability
Essence Find a satisfying explanation Produce a holistic model Show fundamental polarization Present a dynamic evolution The explan'n is now sufficient Assimilate into an existing mindset Apply over-arching rules Adjust key formulations The sufficient is now powerful.
Desired Effect Reduction in confusion Comprehensive overview Exposure of disputes Maximal realism Confusion is much reduced Personal ownership of the explan'n Social conformity to standards Contextual responsiveness Confidence replaces confusion.
Means Use salient factors to get consensus. Abstract essential categories Note persistent tensions Identify interactions and feedback loops Salience is put in perspective. Simplify radically to self-indocrinate Choose a suitable social paradigm Awareness of dependence Consensus on features of the explanation
Handling the Community
Participation Align with existing beliefs Affirm the model's validity Accommodate differences Allow for questioning Adjust beliefs
Articulate a position Promote consensus Explain the context Belief in the explanation
Communication Emphasize the obvious Explain the schema Use language respectfully Develop a narrative structure Emphasize what is important Foster alternative viewpoints Improve coherence Relate to social needs Present the explanation as obvious
Individualization Show thought leadership Identify implications Legitimize diverse perspectives Offer credible future scenarios Show group leadership Assess evidence personally Adhere to essential principles Allow re-orientation Be familiar with the explanation.
Channeling Personal Functioning  
To Gain
Preoccupation Expertise Impartiality Comprehension Specialization Thoughtfulness Consistency Balance Immersion

Originally posted: 30-Oct-2024.